EPRA International Journal of Socio-Economic and Environmental Outlook (SEEO) ISSN: 2348-4101 Volume: 9 | Issue: 2| February 2022 | SJIF Impact Factor: 7.426 | Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra0314 | Peer-Reviewed Journal 2022 EPRA SEEO | www.eprajournals.com | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra0314 59
-The geographical features of mountains,
foothills, reservoirs and springs have led to the
settlement of mankind in this area.
-The location of the settlements depended
on the geographical location, ie in the mountainous
areas their location was at an altitude of 1800-2000 m
above sea level, and some of them were flat
connected to the foothills and reservoirs.
- The mountainous and plain environment,
geography and nature of Uzbekistan are at the level
of satisfying the needs of mankind in food.
- As a result of research conducted in the
early Stone Age settlements of Uzbekistan, there
were conditions and economic and environmental
factors that led the first hunters to lead a daily life.
- Materials from the settlements are an
important source in the coverage of the Early Stone
Age peleogeography and ecology. Based on these
sources, it is possible to study the processes of human
settlement in geographically distant regions.
-The Early Stone Age led to the creation of
its cartogeography based on paleogeography and
ecology of natural economic features.
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