Advantages of Nonparametric Methods of Efficiency Analysis Due to their numerous advantages, nonparametric methods of
efficiency analysis have been constantly applied to the agricultur
al sector [3]. As a result, nonparametric method has attracted the
attention of a number of researchers because of its unique ability
to measure the efficiency of multiple-input and multiple-output of
DMUs without assigning prior weight to the input and output [18].
The nonparametric approach has the advantage of imposing no a
priori parametric restrictions on the underlying technology [19]. In
this context, DEA is an effective non-parametric method for eval-
uating the relative efficiency of the decision-making units, which
does not need the exact functional form between inputs and out-
puts approach [2-4]. The nonparametric method of efficiency has
the potential to impose axiomatic properties and estimate the fron-
tier non-parametrically [1].
In addition, this method of efficiency analysis used to overcome
some disadvantages of the parametric methods of efficiency analy
sis. The model measures the efficiency of all DMUs without requir
ing prior weights for the inputs and outputs. The concept of their
model relies on assigning virtual weights to inputs and outputs and
applies linear programming to ascertain the maximum efficiency of
the DMU under assessment [18]. Therefore, DEA calculations are
designed to maximize the relative efficiency score of each unit, sub
ject to the constraint that the set of weights obtained in this manner
for each DMU must also be feasible for all the others included in the
sample [4].
Moreover, nonparametric inference has gained popularity be-
cause of several reasons:
The computations are easy to estimate.
The data need not be measured quantitatively but could
be in a qualitative format.
The data could also be in an ordinal ranking.
Does not have as many restrictive assumptions as
parametric statistical inference.