Open Acc Biostat Bioinform
Copyright ©
Erkie Asmare Beyene
How to cite this article:
Erkie A, Andualem B. Review on Parametric and Nonparametric Methods of Efficiency Analysis. Open Acc Biostat Bioinform
. 2(2).
OABB.000534. 2018. DOI:
Volume 2 - Issue - 2
does not have a solid statistical foundation behind it and is sensi-
tive to outliers [19]. In addition, nonparametric efficiency, repre
sented by conventional performance ratios is influenced by input
and output prices, firm sizes and other exogenous factors, which
restrain the ratios from reaching closer estimates of the manag-
ers’ true performance [6]. It does not also assume any particular
functional form for the frontier or the distribution of inefficiency
[1]. Therefore, does not
allow for random error due to, for example,
measurement error, good or bad luck, miss-specifying inputs and
outputs, weather, strikes and the like.
Similarly, a study by Toma P
et al. [3] also reported that non-parametric methods of efficiency
analysis do not take into account the uncertainty characterizing the
real world (so-called stochastic error).
A study by Kuosmanen et al. [1] and Murillo Zamorano & Vega
Cervera [4] also asserted that nonparametric methods of efficien
cy analysis estimator of model is based on the assumption of no
noise (i.e., v
=0 for all firms i). Thus, any deviation from the fron
tier is forced to be attributed to inefficiency (Wang & Wang, 2002).
Because of nonparametric methods does
not distinguish between
inefficiency and statistical noise effects [4], the full distance of a
brand to the efficiency frontier is interpreted as inefficiency. Sim
ilarly, since the nonparametric model is non-stochastic, noise is re-
ported as inefficiency, hence a lower mean technical efficiency [17].
But a measurement error or other noise and outliers may influence
the shape and position of the frontier [10].
According to Ajibefun [2] nonparametric methods couldn’t
estimate parameters for the model and
hence impossible to test
hypothesis concerning the performance of the model. Similarly,
a study by Porcelli [16] confirmed that nonparametric efficiency
analysis does not allow for measurement errors and confidence in
tervals [3] hence, it lacks statistical inference. Moreover, nonpara-
metric methods of efficiency are non-stochastic; consequently, effi
ciency scores are contaminated
by omitted variables, measurement
error, and other sources of statistical noise [16]. Furthermore, non-
parametric statistical inference often assumes no knowledge about
the distribution of the underlying population. Therefore, nonpara-
metric inference has deficiency in the sense that it does not utilize
all the
information in the sample and, thus, will be less efficient
than parametric inference [17].
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