10 The last sentence.
11 He has contributed to a report on soil.
12 By discussing some of the 'effects'.
13 It will present argument backed up by
research, whereas 'The Dynamic
Continent' is largely descriptive.
14 It separates main ideas.
15 The main ideas/topic sentences,
16 A 17 С Reading Unit 2 1 concrete and glass
2 (the/its) diameter
3 (its) age and origin
4 by (a) volcano/volcanic eruption
5 (in) northern Scotland
6 geologists
7 Q4 because you can scan the text for the
8 Q6 because it refers to an argument.
9 hydraulic lift
10 lantern // beacon
11 34 miles
12 (up to ) 300 rooms
13 circular storey
14 Л 15 v
16 v
17 X 18 play (with it/them/the bears)
19 sleep (with it/them/the bears)
Reading Unit 3 1 С
2 A errors, maps
В difficulties, reaching areas
С changes
D regularity, visit
3 Libraries are making digital copies of
books. // Technology is going to change
the way libraries work.
4 Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4
three, First, for example, similarly 6 Very easy, because the text is organised
around the three benefits.
10 genes
11 barriers
12 droughts
13 irrigation
Answer Key
Supplementary activity 14 abandoned
15 crops
16 10m hectares
17 store 18 8/eight harvests
Reading Unit 4 1
2 i
3 v
6 viii
8 В