Qisqacha mazmuni:
Mazkur maqolada
talabalarga o‘qiladigan uzumchilik
fanga nisbatan qiziqish uyg‘otish, ularga noaniq bo‘lgan uzumchilik fani to‘g‘risida
to‘liq tassavurga ega bo‘lishlari uchun imkon yaratib berishda interfaol metodlarni
qo‘llashning samarasi, bu metodlar talabalarga “Mevachilik va uzumchilik”
modulidan nazariy bilim, amaliy ko‘nikmalar va yuqori toifali malakaga ega
bo‘lishlariga yordam berishi, bunda talabaning faol ishtiroki ta’minlanishi, chunki
dars davomida talabalar bilan o‘zaro “munozara” olib borilishi, “muammolar” ni
birgalashib hal etish holatlarini bo‘lishi talaba har tomonlama o‘zini sinab ko‘rish
imkoniyatiga ega bo‘lishi to‘g‘risida so‘z boradi.
Kalit so‘zlar:
innovatsion texnologiya, interfaol medot, Genetik, mikrobiolog,
agrosanoat, interfaol muloqot, pedagogik dasturiy vositalar, kommunikatsion
xizmat, pedagogik qobiliyat, yaratuvchanlik, innovatsion metodlar, venn diagramasi,
“SWOT-tahlil” metodi.
In this article, the effect of using interactive methods in making
students interested in viticulture, allowing them to have a full understanding of
viticulture, which is unclear to students, these methods help students Helping them
to acquire theoretical knowledge, practical skills and high-class qualifications from
the “Fruit and Viticulture” module, in which the active participation of the student is
ensured, because during the lesson there is a mutual “discussion” with the students,
solving “problems” It is said that the student will have the opportunity to test himself
in all aspects if there are cases of solving together.
innovative technology, interactive method, Genetics,
microbiologist, agro-industry, interactive communication, pedagogical software
tools, communication service, pedagogical ability, creativity, innovative methods,
Venn diagram, “SWOT-analysis” method.
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