Keywords: interdisciplinary approach, modernization of education,
innovative process, modular education.
MILLIY MUMTOZ MUSIQA SAN‘ATINI TALABALARGA O‘RGATISH JARAYONLARINI ZAMONAVIY YANGI METODLAR ASOSIDA OLIB BORISH Eshmamat Kamilovich BABAMURODOV Guliston davlat universiteti, San’atshunoslik fakulteti “Musiqa ta’limi” kafedrasi o ‘qituvchisi Qisqacha mazmuni : Ushbu maqolada milliy musiqa san‘atimiz gultoji bo
‘lmish maqom san ‘ati va uni talabalarga o ‘rgatish jarayonida zamonaviy yondashuv
va uning natijalari haqida hulosalar keltirilgan.
Kalit so ‘zlar: milliy musiqa, maqom, ta ‘lim tarbiya, musiqiy meros,
zamonaviy yondashuv, natijalar.
Abstract : This article presents conclusions about the art of status, which is
the mainstay of our national musical art, and the modern approach and its results in
the process of teaching it to students.
Keywords: national music, status, education, musical heritage, modern
approach, results.
ARTISTIC SYNTHESIS OF EASTERN AND WESTERN TRADITIONS IN THE NOVEL “ETERNAL WANDERER” Babayeva Sevara Baxtiyor qizi, GulDU tayanch doktoranti Abstract: In this article, one of the leading representatives of modern Uzbek
prose, Isajon Sultan’s novel “Eternal Wanderer” is mutually analyzed, aspects have
been studied. Also, the author’s artistic thinking, style, artistic language, novel genre
and poetics, and issues such as novelistic thinking were thoroughly researched in the
research work. Based on the interrelationships in the images and plot lines created
in the novels, the characteristics of gradualism and individuality in the author’s
artistic thinking are analyzed on the example of literary novels and on the basis of
scientific literature. Before creating a work of art, the artist certainly thinks about its
Keywords: novel, novelistic thinking, artistic thinking, image, plot,
composition, synthesis, detail, historical thinking, poetics.