tadqiq etilgan. Turkumdagi rus istibdodining Turkiston xalqi boshiga solgan jafolari
ifodasiga alohida e’tibor qaratilgan. Shuningdek, Mirpo‘lat Mirzo qalamiga mansub
mazkur turkum orqali xalqiqmizning yaqin o‘tmishi esga olinganligi va shu bilan bir
qatorda millatning yetuk farzandlari boshiga tushgan jafolarga befarq qarab turgan
loqayd kimsalar qoralanganligi, loqaydlik millatning fojeasi ekanliginiga alohida
urg‘u berilgan.
Kalit so‘zlar:
she’riy turkum, she’riy shakllar, lirik qahramon, kechinma
tavsifi, vatanparvarlik, loqaydlik, millatdoshlar, umumlashma obrazlar, tarixiy
lahzalar ifodasi, jonlantirish, ta’did, takrir, she’riy san’atlar va boshqalar.
This article explores the genre characteristics of Uzbek poetic
cycles on the example of the poet Mirpolat Mirzo‘s cycle “Istibdod Manzarlari”.
In the cycle, special attention is paid to the expression of the sufferings of the
Russian tyranny on the people of Turkestan. Also, it is emphasized that through
this cycle written by Mirpolat Mirza, the recent past of our nation is remembered,
and at the same time, indifferent people who look indifferently at the sufferings of
the mature children of the nation are condemned, and indifference is the tragedy
of the nation.
poetic cycle, poetic forms, lyrical hero, description of
experience, patriotism, indifference, compatriots, generalized images, expression
of historical moments, revitalization, repetition, repetition, poetic arts, etc.
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