o‘tilgan. maqolada respublikamizda va xorijda
oziq-ovqat hamda qishloq xo‘jaligi
sohasida xalqaro standartlar tizimini joriy etish
to‘g‘risida talabalar chuqur bilim
olishlari uchun yangi pedagogik texnologiyalarni qo‘llash asosida tushuntirish
yuzasidan ma’lumotlar keltirib o‘tilgan. Bir nechta yangi zamonaviy pedagogik
texnologiyalarni ta’lim jarayonida qo‘llab, ma’ruza, laboratoriya va amaliy
mashg‘ulotlar hamda mustaqil ta’lim olishlarida tatbiq etish jihatlari yoritilgan.
Kalit so‘zlar:
ilg‘or tajribalar,
integrativ testlar, adaptiv testlar, mezonli-
mo‘ljal olish testlari, o‘lchash usuli
In this article, the issues of applying scientific innovations and
best practices to the educational process through new pedagogical approaches in
the teaching of specialized subjects in the field of agriculture are shown. the article
provides information on the implementation of the international standards system in
the field of food and agriculture in our republic and abroad, based on the application
of new pedagogical technologies for students to gain in-depth knowledge. Several
new modern pedagogical technologies are used in the educational process, and the
aspects of their implementation in lectures, laboratory and practical sessions, as well
as independent studies are covered.
best practices, integrative tests, adaptive tests, criterion-
referenced tests, measurement method
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