Kalit so‘zlar: kasb, kasbiy madaniyat, kasbiy e’tiqod,kasbiy mahorat, kasbiy
Abstract: This article reveals important issues in establishing professional
convictions. Professional culture and professional convictions were widespread.
Keywords: professieducator, specialistSocialctivity, moralquality, culture,
fradeprofession, vocationalduty, occupation ethic,competent, professional
MAKTAB GEOGRAFIYA DARSLARIDA QIZIQARLI GEOGRAFIK MATERILLARDAN FOYDALANISH Farxod Rustamovich RAXMONQULOV Guliston davlat universiteti mustaqil tadqiqotchisi Muxtor Abdusodiqovich ABDUSODIQOV Samarqand v. Ishtixon t. 64-maktab o‘qituvchisi Qisqacha mazmuni: Maqolada geografiya darslarida qiziqarli materillarning
o‘rni, zamonaviy axborot texnologiyalaridan foydalanish, geografiya ta’limini
amalga oshirishda interaktiv usullardan foydalanish usullari haqida fikrlar bayon
Kalit so’zlar: dars, mavzular, pedagog, geografiya, o‘qituvchi, texnologiya,
Abstract: The role of interesting materials in geography lessons in the
article, use of modern information technologies, geography education ideas about
the methods of using interactive methods in education are presented.
Keywords: lesson, topics, pedagogue, geography, teacher, technology,
KO‘K NO‘XAT (PIZUM SATIVUM L.) DONINING BO‘RTISHINI LABORATORIYA SHAROITIDA ANIQLASH Munira Xusanovna TASHBEKOVA , q.x.f.n., dotsent Tojiddin Xamdamovich KULIYEV , b.f.b (Phd)., dotsent Karomat Maxmudjonovna ISMOILOVA Guliston davlat universiteti Qisqacha mazmuni: Ushbu maqolada ko‘k no‘xat o‘simligi navlari donida
bo‘rtish jarayoni tahlil qilindi. Tadqiqot obyekti sifatida xashaki no‘xatning
“Vostok 55” hamda “Sputnik” navlari tanlandi. Tadqiqot natijalari donning bo‘rtishi
“Sputnik” navida jadal ketib “ Vostok-55” naviga nisbatan 18.8% ko‘p suvni qabul