MA’RUZALARNING QISQACHA MAZMUNI BİLDİRİ ÖZETLERİ KİTABI qilganligi qayd etildi. Shu bilan birga “Sputnik” nav namunasi urug‘i “Vostok-55”
naviga nisbatan suvni ko‘proq qabul qilganligi qayd etildi.
Kalit so‘zlar : dukkakli o‘simliklar, ko‘k no‘xat, nav, yem-xashak,
oziqabopligi, unib chiqishi, tashqi muhit, sharoit, sug‘orish, suvni shimishi kuchi,
urug‘larning bo‘rtishi, urug‘ po‘stini yorish, donning bo‘rtishi.
Abstract: In this article, the process of swelling in the grain of blue pea plant
varieties was analyzed. “Vostok 55” and “Sputnik” chickpea varieties were selected
as the object of research. The results of the study showed that the swelling of the
grain accelerated in “Sputnik” variety and received 18.8% more water compared to
“Vostok-55” variety. At the same time, it was noted that the seeds of the “Sputnik”
variety took more water than the “Vostok-55” variety.
Keywords: legumes, chickpea, variety, forage, nutrition, germination,
environment, conditions, irrigation, water absorption, seed germination, seed
cracking the skin, swelling of the grain.
QISHLOQ XO‘JALILIGINI RIVOJLANTIRISHNING IQTISODIY SAMARADORLIGINI OSHIRISH Muhayyo Egamnazarovna XUDAYAROVA Guliston davlat universiteti, “QXMQIT” kafedrasi o‘qituvchisi Qisqacha mazmuni: Maqolada klaster va fermer xo‘jaliklarda suvni
tarqatish texnologiyasi tahlili, sug‘orish jarayonini avtomatik boshqarishning dasturli
qurilmalari, ichki xo‘jalik kanallarida avtomatik nazorat va boshqarish vositalari,
zamonaviy modemlar imkoniyatlari va vazifalari, avtomatik rostlash tizimini
dinamik xususiyatlarini aniqlash, avtomatik boshqaruv tizimlarida qo‘llanuvchi
texnik vositalarini tanlash, avtomatlashtirishning funksional-texnologik sxemasi,
loyihalangan tizimning turg‘unligini aniqlash masalalari bo‘yicha materiallar
Kalit so‘zlar: Tadbirkorlik, iqtisodiy negizi, klaster va fermer xo‘jaliklari,
ishlab chiqarish korxonalar, marketing xizmati, mehnat va bozor iqtisodiyoti.
Abstract: In the article, the analysis of water distribution technology in
clusters and farms, software devices for
automatic control of the irrigation process,
automatic control and management tools in domestic channels, capabilities and
tasks of modern modems, determination of dynamic characteristics of the automatic
adjustment system, use in automatic control systems Selection of technical means,
functional-technological scheme of automation, determination of stability of the
designed system are presented.
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, economic basis, cluster and farms, production
enterprises, marketing service, labor and market economy.