MA’RUZALARNING QISQACHA MAZMUNI BİLDİRİ ÖZETLERİ KİTABI SIRDARYO VILOYATI SHAROITIDA SOYA NAVLARINING O‘SUV DAVRLARI A.SH.ABDURASULOV Guliston davlat universiteti, 2 kurs magistrant Qisqacha mazmuni: Ushbu maqolada Sirdaryo viloyati sharoitida soya
o‘simligining ayrim navlarini etishtirish, o‘suv davrlari va hosildorligi haqida
ma’lumotlar keltirilgan.
Kalit so‘zlar : o‘suv davri, unib chiqish, gullash, dukkaklash, pishish.
Abstract: This article provides information about the cultivation, vegetetional
periodes and yield of some soybean varieties in the conditions of the Syrdarya region.
Keywords: vegetetional periodes, growth period, sprouting, flowering,
podding, ripening.
TUPROQ DEGRADATSIYASI: MUAMMOLAR, OQIBATLARI, OLDINI OLISH CHORA TADBIRLARI Sh.A. KULDASHEVA, O‘zR FA UNKI: k.f.d., prof. A.G‘. USMONOVA Guliston Davlat Universiteti “Ekologiya va geografiya” kafedrasi o‘qituvchisi Abstract: Soil degradation is a set of processes that lead to a change in the
function of the soil, a deterioration of the quantitative and qualitative indicators of its
properties, and a decrease in productivity, that is, under the influence of natural and
anthropogenic factors, the elements are stable in the ecological system. deterioration
of its properties, decrease in economic value and decrease in efficiency. “Soil
degradation is one of the important environmental problems of the 21st century. Its
importance, actual and potential effects on biomass productivity, water quality, air
quality, and greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere are highlighted. It is related
to soil and water source pollution, soil degradation. Soil degradation directly and
indirectly affects climate change.