until the goods have been exa- mined. Mollarni tekshirib bo‘lishmagun-
cha men bojxonada turaman.
Izoh: Till va untildan keyin ergash gapning fe’li bo‘lishli shaklda keladi:
I shall stay here until (till) you return. Men siz qaytib kel(ma)guningizgacha shu
yerda bo‘laman.
Let us wait until the rain stops. Keling yomg‘ir to‘xtaguncha shu yerda
Agar gapning ma’nosi bo‘lishsiz bo‘lsa, till va untildan keyin fe’l
bo‘lishsiz shaklda ishlatilishi mumkin:
He lay until he did not feel the pain any longer. U og‘riq sezilmay qolguncha
yot di.
O‘RIN ERGASH GAPLAR (ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF PLACE) 1. O‘rin ergash gaplari bosh gap bilan where, wherever so‘zlari yor-
damida bog‘lanadi:
I like to spend my leave where I can shoot. Men ta’tilimni ov qila oladigan
joyda o‘tkazishni yoqtiraman.
He went where the doctor sent him. U shifokor yuborgan joyga bordi.
Wherever he went, he was wel-
U qayerga bormasin uni yaxshi
kutib olishdi.
SABAB ERGASH GAPLAR (ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF CAUSE) Sabab ergash gaplari bosh gapga because, as, since, for, now that bog‘-
lovchilari yordamida bog‘lanadi:
I went away because there was no one there. U yerda hech kim bo‘lmaganligi
sababli men ketdim.
As there were no porters, we had to carry the luggage
Hammollar bo‘lmaganligi sabab-
li, biz yuklarimizni o‘zimiz ko‘-
tarishimizga to‘g‘ri keldi.
www.ziyouz.com kutubxonasi
Since you have fi nished
your work, you may go home.
Ishingizni tugatgan bo‘lsangiz uyin-
giz ga ketishingiz mumkin.