G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi

ported by that fi rm (=which are

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G‘apporov M. Ingliz tili grammatikasi-fayllar.org

ported by that fi rm (=which are 

imported by that fi rm).
Ular bizga o‘sha fi rma tomonidan
import qilinadigan mollarning
ro‘yxatini yuborishdi.
A themometer is an instrument
used for measuring temperature
(=which is used for measuring
Termometr — haroratni o‘lchash
uchun ishlatiladigan asbob.
4. Past Participle qo‘shma kesim tarkibida keladi:
My pencil is broken.
Mening qalamim siniq.
The letters were typed.
Xatlar mashinkada yozildi.
5. Past Participle sifatdoshli iboralarda ishlatiladi, payt va sabab holi
bo‘lib keladi. Bunday iboralar kesimi majhul nisbatda bo‘lgan ergash
gaplarga to‘g‘ri keladi:
Asked (=When he was asked)
whether he intended to return soon,
he replied that he would be away for
about three months.
Undan tezda qaytish-qaytmas-
ligini so‘raganlarida, u taxmi-
nan uch oylar ketishini aytdi.
Squeezed by ice (=As the steamer 
was squeezed by ice), the steamer
could not continue her way.
Muzda qisilib qolib, paroxod
yo‘li ni davom ettira olmadi.
Payt holi bo‘lib keluvchi Past Participle ishlatilgan sifatdoshli ibora-
lardan oldin ko‘pincha when bog‘lovhisi ishlatiladi:
When asked whether he intended to return soon….
Hol bo‘lib kelgan sifatdoshli iboralarda Past Participle bilan birga
Present Participle Passive ham ishlatilishi mumkin:
Asked whether he intended to return
soon …
= Being asked whether he in-
tended to return soon …
Squeezed by ice …
Being squeezed by ice …
Izoh: Ba’zi fe’llarning Past Participle (o‘tgan zamon sifatdoshi) shakli ko‘plikni bil dirgan
otga aylanadi, shu xususiyatga ega bo‘lgan barcha shaxs yoki buyumlarni bil diradi va aniq
artikl bilan ishlatiladi: the rewarded mukofotlanganlar, the wounded yaralanganlar.
6. Past Participle to have fe’lining shakllari bilan birikib kelib Perfect
zamonlarni yasaydi: I have read men o‘qidim, I had read men o‘qigandim, 

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