Bosh gapdagi kesim hozirgi yoki kelasi zamonda bo‘lganda may, o‘t-
gan zamonda bo‘lganda,
might ishlatiladi.
Should bosh gapdagi kesim qaysi
zamonda bo‘lishidan qat’i nazar ishlatilaveradi:
The teacher speaks slowly
so that
(in order that) his pupils may un-
derstand him.
O‘quvchilari tushuna olishlari
uchun o‘qituvchi sekin gapiradi.
I gave him the text-book
so that (in
order that) he might learn his les-
U darsini o‘rganishi uchun, men
unga darslikni berdim.
They inroducted their agents to pack
the goods carefully
so that the buy-
ers might not have cause to com-
Xaridorlarga shikoyat qilishga
sabab bo‘lmasligi uchun u agent-
larga mollarni ehtiyotkorlik bilan
o‘rashga ko‘rsatma berdi.
I’ll ring him at once
so (so that) he
shouldn’t wait for me.
U meni kutmasligi uchun, men
unga darhol qo‘ng‘iroq qilaman.
I shall write the letter immediately
so that you may be able to read it
before I hand it to the typist.
Men xatni mashinistkaga beri-
shimdan oldin siz uni o‘qib chiqa
oli shingiz uchun men xatni shu za-
hoti yozaman.
He drew a plan of the village
so that
she might be able to fi nd his house
U uning uyini osonlik bilan topa
olishi uchun qishloqning rejasini
(tarxini) chizib berdi.
May be able o‘rnida
can, might be able o‘rnida
could ishlatilishi
mum kin:
I shall write the letter immediately
so that you can read it before I hand
it to the typist.
He drew a plan of the village
so that she could fi nd his house easily.
3. Kitobiy tilda ba’zan maqsad ergash gaplari bosh gapga
that va
bog‘lovchilari yordamida bog‘lanadi.
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