Now that he is here, he
can help you.
U shu yerda ekan sizga yordam be-
He walked quickly for he was in a great hurry. U tez yurdi, chunki u juda shoshi-
layotgan edi.
NATIJA ERGASH GAPLAR (ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF RESULT) 1. Natija ergash gaplar bosh gapning mazmunidan kelib chiqadigan
natijani bildiradi va bosh gapga so that bog‘lovchisi yordamida bog‘la nadi.
Og‘zaki nutqda so that o‘rnida ko‘pincha so ishlatiladi:
He went to the lecture early so that (so) he got a good seat. U yaxshi joy egallash uchun leksi-
yaga erta bordi.
She sat behind me so that (so) I could not see the expression on her face. U yuzining ifodasini ko‘rmasligim
uchun mening orqamga o‘tirdi.
TO‘SIQSIZ ERGASH GAPLAR (ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF CONCESSION) To‘siqsiz ergash gaplar bosh gapdagi ish-harakat ergash gapdagi sha roitga
qaramasdan sodir bo‘lishini bildiradi va ular bosh gapga though (although), in spite of the fact that bog‘lovchilari bilan bog‘lanadi:
Though (although) it was only nine o’clock, there were
few people in the streets.
Soat to‘qqiz bo‘lishiga qaramasdan,
ko‘chalarda odam kam edi.
He went out in spite of the fact that he had a bad cold. Qattiq shamollaganiga qaramasdan
u tashqariga chiqdi.
MAQSAD ERGASH GAPLAR (ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF PURPOSE) 1. Maqsad ergash gaplar bosh gapdagi ish-harakat qanday maqsadda sodir
bo‘lishini bildiradi va bosh gapga so that, so, in order that bog‘lovchilari
yordamida bog‘lanadi. So that ko‘p qo‘llanadi; so bog‘lovchisi faqat
og‘zaki nutqda ishlatiladi. Bu gaplarning kesimi may (might) + V va should