General microbiology

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A. Obligate anaerobes B. Facultative anaerobes
C. Microaerophiles D. Obligate aerobes E. Capnophiles
5. A lot of pyoinflammatory processes in oral cavity are caused by anaerobes. What nutrient medium can be used for control of wound textile contamination by anaerobes?
A. Kitt-Tarozzi B. Endo C. Roux
D. Sabouraud’s E. Ploskirev’s E. -
6. A patient has a necrotizing phlegmon of his lower extremity. A doctor suspects a gas gangrene. Microscopy reveals grampositive bacilli. In order to confirm the diagnosis further bacteriological tests should include inoculation of the material into the following nutrient medium:
A. Kitt-Tarozzi medium B. Endo agar
C. Meat-peptone agar D. Levine agar E. Milk-salt agar
7. In 8 days after a surgery the patient develops tetatus. The surgeon suspects this condition to be caused by suture material contaminated by tetanus agent. The material is delivered to a bacteriological laboratory. What nutrient medium is required for primary inoculation of the suture material?
A. Sabouraud agar
B. Endo agar
C. Hiss medium
D. Kitt-Tarozzi medium
E. Egg-yolk salt agar
8. A patient consulted a dentist about limited (restricted) mouth opening (trismus). He has a history of a stab wound of the lower extremity. What infection may cause these symptoms?
A. Tetanus B. Brucellosis C. Whooping cough
D. Wound anaerobic infection E. Tularemia
9. A patient with convulsive contractions of facial muscles was admitted to the infectious disease ward. From a scratch on his lower right extremity analysts isolated bacteria with terminal endospores that gave them drumstick appearance. What bacteria are compliant with given description?
A. Clostridium tetani B. Clostridium botulinum
C. Clostridium perfringens D. Bacillus anthracis
E. Bacillus cereus
10. A 47-year-old male patient consulted a dentist about difficult mouth opening (lockjaw or trismus). The patient has a history of a stab wound of the lower extremity. What infection can be manifested by these symptoms?

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