General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. Bacillus antracis B. Staptylococcus aureus
C. Bacillus anthracoides D. Bacillus megaterium
E. Bacillus subtilis
5. A 34 year old male patient consulted a doctor about face carbuncle. Objectively: a loose, painless edema of hypodermic tissue; black crust in the center of carbuncle, vesicular rash around it. Microbiological examination revealed static streptobacilli capable of capsule building. What microorganisms are the causative agents of this disease?
A. Bacillus antracis B. Staptylococcus aureus
C. Bacillus subtilis D. Bacillus anthracoides
E. Bacillus megaterium
6. A worker of a cattle farm consulted a surgeon about fever up to 40oC, headache, weakness. Objective examination of his back revealed hyperaemia and a dark red infiltration up to 5 cm in diameter with black bottom in the center and some pustules. What disease are these presentations typical for?
A. Anthrax B. Plaque C. Tularemia
D. Furuncle E. Abscess
7. A 43 y.o. patient was admitted to the hospital with complaints of high temperature of the body and severe headache. On examination: carbuncle is revealed on the forearm. There are intense edema around it, insignificant pain, regional lymphadenitis. The patient is a worker of cattle-ranch. What disease is it necessary to think about first?
A. Anthrax B. Carcinoma of skin C. Erysipelas
D. Erysipeloid E. Eczema
8. A 49-year-old countryman got an itching papule on the dorsum of his right hand. In the centre there is a vesicle with serosanginous exudate. Within the next 2 days the patient developed a painless edema of hand and forearm. On the 4th day the temperature rose to 38,5oC, in the right axillary region a large painful lymph node was found. One daybefore the onset of the disease the patient had examined a dead calf. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Cutaneous anthrax B. Bubonic plague
C. Carbuncle D. Lymphocutaneous tularemia
E. Erysipelas
9. Quite often, the soil may contain a number of pathogenic microorganisms. The causative agents of the following disease may exist in the soil for a long time:
A. Anthrax B. Diphtheria C. Viral hepatitis
D. Pertussis E. Dysentery
10. At a bacteriological laboratory animal skins are analyzed by means of Ascoli precipitaion test. What is detected if the reaction is positive?

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