General microbiology

A. Gram-positive spore-forming bacilli with subterminal spore

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A. Gram-positive spore-forming bacilli with subterminal spore
B. Thick gram-positive non-sporeforming bacilli
C. Gram-positive spore-forming bacilli with terminal spore
D. Thin mobile spore-forming bacilli with central spore
E. Thick gram-positive non-sporeforming bacilli
34. The causative agent of botulism causes severe food poisoning. Specify the most characteristic morphological feature of botulism causative agent:
A. Gram-positive bacillus with subterminal spore
B. Thick gram-positive non-spore-forming bacillus
C. Gram-positive bacillus with terminal spore
D. Thin mobile bacillus with central spore
E. Thick gram-positive bacillus without spores and flagella
35. The patient 25 y.o. was admitted on the 1st day of the disease with complaints of double vision in the eyes, heavy breathing. The day before the patient ate homemade mushrooms. On objective examination: paleness, widened pupils, disorder of swallowing, bradycardia, constipation are marked. What is the diagnosis?
A. Botulism B. Yersiniosis C. Leptospirosis
D. Salmonellosis, gastrointestinal form E. Lambliasis
36. In the morning a patient had nausea, abdominal discomfort, single vomiting, dry mouth. In the evening, the patient presented with the increasing general weakness, double vision, difficult swallowing of solid food. Objectively: ptosis, mydriasis, anisocoria, absence of gag and pharyngeal reflex, dry mucous membranes. The previous evening the patient had dinner with canned food and alcohol. What is the presumptive diagnosis?
A. Botulism B. Poliomyelitis C. Food toxicoinfection
D. Acute ischemic stroke E. Intoxication with unknown poison
37. A 12-year-old boy presents with nausea, frequent repeated vomiting that first occurred after eating canned vegetables. Objectively: the patient has dry mucous membranes, muscular hypotonia, anisocoria, mydriasis, dysphagia and dysarthria. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Botulism B. Shigellosis C. Salmonellosis
D. Cholera E. Yersiniosis
38. Patient with vomiting, dizziness, sensation of dubble vision, difficult swallowing was admitted to the hospital. Doctor suspects botulism. What diagnostic methods should be used for diagnosis approving?
A. - B. Bacteriological, mycological C. Biological test, bacteriological
D. Allergic test, serological E. Protozoological, microscopical
39. A patient has been hospitalized with provisional diagnosis of botulism. What serological reaction should be used to reveal botulinum toxin?

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