General microbiology

A. Neutralization reaction

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A. Neutralization reaction B. Agglutination reaction
C. Bordet-Gengou test D. Precipitation reaction
E. Immunofluorescence test
40. Researchers of a bacteriological laboratory examine tinned meat for botulinic toxin. For this purpose a group of mice was injected with an extract of the material under examination and antitoxic antibotulinic serum of A, B, E types. A control group of mice was injected with the same extract but without antibotulinic serum. What serological reaction was applied?
A. Neutralization B. Precipitation C. Complement binding
D. Double immune diffusion E. Opsonocytophagic
41. A laboratory received a food product that had been taken from the focus of food poisoning and presumably contained botulinum toxin. To identify the type of toxin, the neutralization reaction must be performed on white mice. What biological product is used in this reaction?
A. Antitoxic serum B. Normal serum C. Antibacterial serum
D. Diagnosticum E. Allergen
42. Bacteriological laboratory examines canned meat whether it contains botulinum toxin. For this purpose an extract of test specimen and antitoxic antibotulinic serum of A, B, E types were introduced to a group of mice under examination; a control group of mice got the extract without antibotulinic serum. What serological reaction was applied?
A. Neutralization B. Precipitation C. Complement binding
D. Double immune diffusion E. Opsonophagocytic
43. A bacteriological laboratory tests canned meat for botulinum toxin. Extract of the tested material and ABE botulinum antitoxin serum was introduced into the test group of mice; a control group of mice received the extract without antibotulinic serum. What serological reaction was used?
A. Neutralization B. Precipitation C. Complement binding
D. Double immunodiffusion E. Opsonophagocytic
44. A 12 year old girl complains about abrupt weakness, nausea, dizziness, vision impairment. The day before she ate home-made stockfish, beef. Examination revealed skin pallor, a scratch on the left knee, dryness of mucous membranes of oral pharynx, bilateral ptosis, mydriatic pupils. The girl is unable to read a simple text (mist over the eyes). What therapy would be the most adequate in this case?

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