General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. Leptospira B. Treponema C. Spirilla
D. Borrelia E. Campilobacteria

1. Etiological factors for the infectious diseases are often microorganisms with various ultrastructure. Which of the following microorganism groups relates to the eukaryotes?
A. Protozoa B. Viruses C. Viroids D. Prions E. Scotobacteria
2. In order to prevent wound infection associated with surgical procedures a patient was given a synthetic antiprotozoan drug with a high activity against Helicobacter pylori. Specify this drug:
A. Metronidazole
B. Doxycycline hydrochloride
C. Chingamin
D. Acyclovir
E. Isoniazid
3. A dentist has detected symptoms of parodontosis in a patient. What antiprotozoal drug should be prescribed?
A. Metronidazole
B. Levamisole
C. Griseofulvin
D. Mykoseptin
E. Furazolidone
4. Patients with similar complaints applied to the doctor: weakness, pain in the intestines, disorder of GIT. Examination of the feces revealed that one patient with four nucleus cysts should be hospitalized immediately. For what protozoa are such cysts typical?
A. Lamblia B. Dysenteric amoeba C. Balantidium
D. Trichomonas E. Intestinal amoeba
5. A patient complains of frequent bowel movements and stool with blood admixtures ("raspberry jelly" stool). Microscopic examination revealed large mononuclear cells with absorbed red blood cells. What protozoon is this morphological structure typical for?
A. Entamoeba histolytica
B. Giardia lamblia C. Campylobacter jejuni
D. Toxoplasma gondii E. Balantidium coli
6. A 40-year-old patient presents with abdominal pain, frequent loose stools with mucus and blood. Stool analysis revealed vegetative forms of some protozoa sized 30-40 microns, with short pseudopodia, containing large amounts of phagocytosed erythrocytes. What protozoan disease does the patient have?
A. Amebiasis B. Leishmaniasis C. Trichomoniasis
D. Giardiasis E. Toxoplasmosis
7. A patient with suspected liver abscess was admitted to the surgical department. The patient had been staying for a long time on business in one of African countries and fell repeatedly ill with acute gastrointestinal disorders. What protozoal disease may the patient be now ill with?
A. Amebiasis B. Trypanosomosis C. Leishmaniasis
D. Malaria E. Toxoplasmosis
8. Among public catering workers examined by doctors of sanitary and epidemiologic station often occur asymptomatic parasite carriers. This means that a healthy person carries cysts that infect other people. Such parasitizing is possible for the following causative agent:

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