General microbiology

A. Late congenital syphilis

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A. Late congenital syphilis B. Early congenital syphilis
C. Tertiary syphilis D. Fluorosis E. Rickettsiosis
8. During examination of the patient’s oral cavity a dentist noticed deformation of the teeth and a crescent indentation of the upper right incisor. The teeth are undersized, barrel-shaped – tooth cervix is wider than its edge. The patient uses a hearing aid, suffers from visual impairment. What type of syphilis affects teeth in such way?
A. Primary
B. Early congenital
C. Neurosyphilis
D. Secondary
E. Late congenital
9. A 32 y.o. man is divorced, has an irregular sexual life. He complains of falling out of hair in the region of eyelashes, eyebrows, scalp. Objectively: diffuse alopecia is observed, eyebrow margin is absent, eyelashes are stair-like (Pinkus’ sign). What examination should be carried out first of all?
A. Wasserman test, IFT B. T.pallidum Immobilization Test (TPI)
C. Detection of the nasal mucous membrane for M.leprae
D. Consultation of neuropathist E. CBC
10. A patient who suffered form syphilis took a course of antibiotic therapy and fully recovered. Some time later he was infected again with Treponema pallidum. What form of infection is it?
A. Reinfection B. Recurrence
C. Superinfection D. Secondary infection E. Complication
11. A patient had been provisionally diagnosed with syphilis. A laboratory assistant took the blood serum for an immunologic test based on the detection of antibodies preventing the movement of treponemas and causing their death. What reaction was used for the diagnosis?
A. Immobilization B. Complement binding
C. Agglutination D. Precipitation E. Neutralization
12. A 32-year-old patient undergoing dental examination was found to have some rash-like lesions resembling secondary syphilis in the oral cavity. The patient was referred for the serological study with the purpose of diagnosis confirmation. In order to detect antibodies in the serum, living Treponema were used as diagnosticum. What serological test was performed?

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