General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. Serological B. Biological C. Bacteriological D. Molecular biological E. Microscopy
1. While studying a microslide obtained from the punctuate of a regional lymph node and stained by Romanovsky-Giemsa method a physician revealed some light pink thin microorganisms with 12-14 regular spiral coils and pointed ends, up to 10-13 micrometer long. This might be the causative agent of the following disease:
A. Syphilis B. Trypanosomiasis C. Leptospirosis
D. Relapsing fever E. Leishmaniasis
2. In the micropreparation made from patient's regional lymph node punctate and stained according to Romanovsky-Giemsa method, the doctor found out thin microorganisms with 12-14 equal ringlets and pale-pink sharp pointes 10-13 mkm in length. The pathogen of what disease is it about?
A. Leishmaniasis B. Leptospirosis C. Surra
D. Syphilis E. Relapsing fever
3. In a microslide of the patient’s regional lymph node stained with Giemsa method a doctor detected thin microorganisms with 12-14 uniform tendrils with pointed tips, 10-13 micrometers in length, pale pink in color. In this case they can be identified as infectious agents of the following disease:
A. Syphilis
B. Trypanosomiasis
C. Leptospirosis
D. Relapsing fever
E. Leishmaniasis
4. Bacterioscopic examination of chancre material revealed some mobile, long, convoluted microorganisms with 8-12 regular coils. These features are typical for:
A. Treponema B. Borrellia C. Leptospira D. Vibrios E. Campylobacter
5. An 18-year-old patient has enlarged inguinal lymph nodes, they are painless, thickened on palpation. In the area of genital mucous membrane there is a small-sized ulcer with thickened edges and "laquer"bottom of greyish colour. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Syphilis B. Tuberculosis C. Lepra D. Trophic ulcer E. Gonorrhea
6. A 14-year-old patient was diagnosed with Hutchinson’s triad: barrel-shaped incisors, parenchymatous keratitis and deafness. The revealed presentations are consistent with the following disease:
A. Syphilis B. Toxoplasmosis C. Lepra D. Tuberculosis E. -
7. A dentist examined a 5-year-old boy and found him to have a saddle nose, high-arched palate, natiform skull. Both front maxillary incisors are peg-shaped and have a crescent-shaped notch in the cutting edge. Lymph nodes are not changed. What is the provisional diagnosis?

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