General microbiology

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A. Metronidazole B. Furazolidonum C. Levomycetin
D. Phthalazol E. Emetine hydrochloride
16. A 30 year old patient consulted a doctor about having diarrhea and stomach aches for 5 days, temperature rise up to 37,50C with chills. The day before the patient was in a forest and drank some water from an open pond. He was diagnosed with amebic dysentery that was bacteriologically confirmed. Name the medication for treatment of this disease:
A. Metronidazole B. Furasolidone C. Chloramphenicol
D. Phthalazole E. Emethine hydrochloride
17. A 30 y.o. patient is diagnosed with amebic dysentery. This diagnosis was bacteriologically confirmed. Name the preparation for its treatment:
A. Metronidazole B. Mebendazole C. Itrakonazole
D. Furacillin E. Acyclovir
18. What drug is more advisable for the patient with amebic dysentery?
A. Metronidazole B. Pyrantel C. Levamisole D. Bicillin-5
E. Benzylpenicillin sodium salt (Penicillin G sodium salt)
19. Examination of duodenal contents revealed some pyriform protozoa with twin nuclei and four pairs of flagella. There were two supporting filaments between the nuclei and a suctorial disc on the ventral side. What representative of protozoa was revealed in this patient?
A. Lamblia B. Toxoplasma C. Leishmania
D. Intestinal trichomonad E. Trypanosome
20. Examination of the duodenal contents revealed some pear-shaped protozoa with two nuclei and four pairs of flagella. The organisms had also two axostyles between the nuclei and a ventral adhesive disc. What protozoan representative was found in the patient?
A. Lamblia B. Toxoplasma C. Leishmania
D. Intestinal trichomonad E. Trypanosome
21. A duodenal content smear of a patient with indigestion contains protozoa 10-18 mcm large. They have piriform bodies, 4 pairs of filaments, two symmetrically located nuclei in the broadened part of body. What kind of the lowest organisms is it?
A. Lamblia B. Dysentery ameba
C. Trichomonas D. Intestinal ameba E. Balantidium
22. A 13 year old child complains about poor appetite, pain in the right subcostal area. Microscopical examination of duodenal contents revealed big pyriform cells with two nuclei. What microorganism was revealed?
A. Lamblia B.Trichomonas C.Amoeba D. Trypanosoma E.Toxoplasma
23. A female patient consulted a doctor about a sense of epigastric discomfort, nausea and anorexia. A duodenal content analysis revealed lamblia. What drug should be prescribed?

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