General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. Dysenteric amoeba B. Malarial plasmodium
C. Intestinal trichomonad D. Dermatotropic leishmania
E. Viscerotropic leishmania
9. When doctors of a sanitary and epidemiologic institution examine employees of public catering establishments they often reveal asymptomatic parasitosis, that is when a healthy person is a carrier of cysts that infect other people. What causative agent can parasitize in such a way?
A. Dysenteric amoeba B. Malarial plasmodium
C. Enteral trichomonad D. Dermatotropic leishmania
E. Viscerotropic leishmania
10. Microscopy of dental plaque revealed unicellular organisms. Their cytoplasm had two distinct layers, barely visible core, wide pseudopodia. The patient is most likely to have:
A. Entamoeba gingivalis B. Entamoeba histolytica
C. Lamblia D. Trichomonas tenax E. Entamoeba coli
11. Carious cavities of a 29-year-old patient contain the parasitic protozoa. It is established that they relate to the Sarcodina class. Specify these single-celled organisms:
A. Entamoeba gingivalis B. Entamoeba histolutica
C. Entamoeba coli D. Amoeba proteus E. Lamblia intestinalis
12. A 52-year-old patient has the following diagnosis: systemic amebiasis with involvment of intestines, liver, lungs. What drug should be prescribed?
A. Metronidazole B. Quiniofone C. Tetracycline
D. Quingamine E. Enteroseptol
13. Systemic amebiasis with involvment of intestines, liver, lungs was diagnosed in a 52-year-old patient. What drug should be prescribed?
A. Quiniofone B. Enteroseptol C. Metronidazole
D. Tetracycline E. Quingamine
14. A patient ill with amebiasis was prescribed a certain drug. The use of alcohol together with this drug is contraindicated because the drug inhibits metabolism of ethyl alcohol. What drug is it?
A. Metronidazole B. Reserpine C. Clonidine
D. Diazepam E. Aminazine
15. A 30-year-old patient complains about having abdominal pain and diarrhea for five days; body temperature rise up to 37, 5oC along with chills. The day before a patient had been in a forest and drunk from an open water reservoir. Laboratory analyses enabled to make the following diagnosis: amebic dysentery. What is the drug of choice for its treatment?

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