General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. Toxoplasmosis
B. Leishmaniasis
C. Malaria
D. Amebiasis
E. Lambliasis
62. A married couple applied to the genetic consultation in order to consult about their child with multiple abnormalities (microcephaly, idiocy etc). The woman has had an illnesses during her pregnancy but she didn’t take any teratogens or mutagens. The parents’ and the child’s karyotype is normal. Anamnesis study revealed that the family kept a cat. What gravidic disease caused the child’s abnormalities?
A. Toxoplasmosis B. Leishmaniasis C. Dysentery
D. Balantidiasis E. Trichomoniasis
63. A patient’s preliminary diagnosis is toxoplasmosis. What material was used for diagnostics of this disease?
A. Blood B. Feces C. Urine
D. Duodenal contents E. Sputum
64. A patient who came to the doctor because of his infertility was administered to make tests for toxoplasmosis and chronic gonorrhoea. Which reaction should be performed to reveal latent toxoplasmosis and chronic gonorrhoea in this patient?
A. RIHA - Reverse indirect hemagglutination assay
B. RDHA - Reverse direct hemagglutination assay
C. IFA - Immunofluorescence assay D. Immunoblot analysis
E. (R)CFT- Reiter's complement fixation test
65. A pregnant woman applied to a doctor with complaints typical for toxoplasmosis. The doctor took a sample of her blood. What serological tests should be performed in this case?
A. Complement binding assay B. Precipitation test
C. Neutralization test D. Widal’s test E. Wassermann test
66. After the second abortion a 23 year old woman has been diagnosed with toxoplasmosis. Which drug should be used for toxoplasmosis treatment?
A. Co-trimoxazole B. Itraconazole C. Mebendazole
D. Azidothimidine E. Acyclovir
67. Sanitary assessment of a pond, where the children from a recreation summer camp take their swims, detected there oval cysts 50-60 micron in diameter, with 2 nuclei visible in their cytoplasm (macronucleus and micronucleus). What protozoa do these cysts belong to?
A. Toxoplasma B. Amoeba C. Balantidium D. Lamblia E. Euglena
68. Several patients with similar complaints came to the doctor. They all present with weakness, pain in the intestines, indigestion. Feces analysis revealed the need for urgent hospitalization of the patient, who had microbial cysts with four nuclei detected in his samples. Such cysts are characteristic of the following protozoon:

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