General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. Malaria B. Infectious mononucleosis
C. Sepsis D. Typhoid fever E. Leptospirosis
47. A 23 year old female patient complains about periodical chill and body temperature rise up to 40oC, sense of heat taking turns with profuse sweating. The patient has had already 3 attacks that came once in two days and lasted 12 hours. She has lived in Africa for the last 2 months. Liver and spleen are enlarged. In blood: erythrocytes - 2,5x1012/l. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Malaria B. Spotted fever C. Sepsis
D. Haemolytic anaemia E. Leptospirosis
48. 2 weeks since the blood transfusion a recepient has developed fever. What protozoal disease can it be?
A. Trypanosomiasis B. Malaria
C. Amebiasis D. Toxoplasmosis E. Leishmaniasis
49. Two weeks after hemotransfusion a patient developed fever. What protozoal disease can be suspected?
A. Malaria B. Toxoplasmosis C. Leishmaniasis
D. Amebiasis E. Trypanosomiasis
50. A healthy man is in a region with high risk of catching malaria. What drug should be administered for individual chemoprophylaxis of malaria?
A. Chingamin B. Sulfalen C. Tetracycline
D. Metronidazole E. Biseptol
51. This drug has a destructive effect on erythrocytic forms of malarial plasmodia and dysenteric amoebae. It is used for treatment and prevention of such diseases as malaria, amebiasis and interstitial disease. What drug is it?
A. Chingamin B. Emetine hydrochloride
C. Tetracycline D. Erythromycin E. Quinine
52. What drug should be administered for individual prevention of malaria?
A. Chingamin B. Rifampicin C. Ampicillin
D. Gentamicin E. Biseptol (Co-Trimoxazolel)
53. UN volunteers have arrived in Nigeria to assist the locals in aftermath of earthquakes. What drug should they prescribe for individual chemoprophylaxis of malaria?
A. Chingamin
B. Pyrantel
C. Pyrimethamine (Chloridinum)
D. Primaquine
E. Interferon (Laferon)
54. In preparation for business trip abroad the doctor was prescribed a histoschizontocidal antimalarial drug as a personal means of disease prevention. What drug was given to the doctor?

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