General microbiology

A. Leprosy B. Syphilis C. Tuberculosis D. Rhinoscleroma E. Epidemic typhus Plague

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. Leprosy B. Syphilis C. Tuberculosis
D. Rhinoscleroma E. Epidemic typhus

1. During the examination of a patient, who had been to the mountain pasture and had been hospitalized in a bad condition with fever, the doctor found out the enlargement of inguinal lymph nodes to 8 cm, which were attached to the surrounding tissues, immovable, the skin above them was red and tender. The microscopic examination of the node revealed acute serohemorrhagic inflammation. What disease is it typical for?
A. Brucellosis B. Syphilis C. Anthrax
D. Tularemia E. Plague
2. A patient presents with fever, chill and cough. From his sputum the ovoid Gram-negative bipolar-stained bacilli with a delicate capsule were secured. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Plague B. Tuberculosis C. Leptospirosis
D. Brucellosis E. Toxoplasmosis
3. The patient has developed pain in the axillary area, rise of temperature developed 10 hours ago. On examination: shaky gait is marked, the tongue is coated by white coating. The pulse is frequent. The painful lymphatic nodules are determined in the axillary area. The skin is erythematous and glistering over the lymphatic nodules. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Bubonic plague B. Acute purulent lymphadenitis
C. Lymphogranulomatosis D. Anthrax E. Tularemia
4. A patient has got pain in the axillary area, rise of temperature developed 10 hours ago. On examination: shaky gait is evident, the tongue is coated with white deposit. The pulse is frequent. The painful lymphatic nodes are revealed in the axillary area. The skin over the lymph nodes is erythematous and glistering. What is the most probable diagnosis?
A. Bubonic plague B. Acute purulent lymphadenitis
C. Lymphogranulomatosis D. Anthrax E. Tularemia
5. A 45-year-old patient, a sailor, was hospitalized on the 2nd day of the disease. A week ago he returned from India. Complains of body temperature of 41oC, severe headache, dyspnea, cough with frothy rusty sputum. Objectively: the patient is pale, mucous membranes are cyanotic, breathing rate - 24/min, tachycardia is present. In lungs: diminished breath sounds, moist rales over both lungs, crepitation. What is the most likely diagnosis?

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