General microbiology

A. Immune-enzyme analysis

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. Immune-enzyme analysis B. Radioimmunoassay technique
C. Immunofluorescence test D. Bordet-Gengou test
E. Antigen-binding assay
12. Professional dentists belong to the risk group concerning professional infection with viral hepatitis type B. Name an effective method for active prevention of this disease among the dentists:
A. Vaccination with recombinant vaccine
B. Secure sterilization of medical instruments
C. Working with gum gloves on
D. Introduction of specific immunoglobuline
E. Introduction of interferonogenes
13. Dentists are at increased risk of being infected with the type B hepatitis. What preparation should be used for reliable active prevention of this disease?
A. Recombinant vaccine of HBsAg proteins
B. Live type B hepatitis vaccine C. Specific immunoglobulin
D. Monoclonal HBsAg antibodies E. Antihepatitis serum
14. In order to eliminate occupational risks dental workers underwent vaccination. The vaccine should protect them from a viral infection, whose pathogen may be found in blood of dental patients who had had this infection or who are its chronic carriers. What vaccine was used?
A. Genetically engineered HBs antigen
B. Live measles vaccine C. Inactivated hepatitis A vaccine
D. Subunit influenza vaccine E. Anti-rabies vaccine
15. A 32 year old patient suffering from chronic viral hepatitis complains about dull pain in the right subcostal area, nausea, dry mouth. Objectively: liver dimensions are 13-21-11 cm (according to Kurlov), spleen is by 2 cm enlarged, aspartate aminotransferase is 3,2 micromole/l·h, alanine aminotransferase - 4,8 millimole/l·h. Serological study revealed HBeAg, high concentration of DNA HBV. What drug should be chosen for treatment of this patient?
A. α-interferon B. Acyclovir C. Remantadinum
D. Arabinoside monophosphate E. Essentiale-forte
16. It is known that infectious type B hepatitis is a systemic disease caused by the type B hepatitis virus and characterized by a predominant liver affection. Choose from the below given list the drugs for the etiotropic therapy of this infection:
A. Acyclovir B. Penicillin C. Tetracycline
D. Sulfanilamides E. Fluoroquinolones
17. A patient is registered for regular check-ups. Laboratory analyses foe viral hepatitis diagnostics are made. In the blood serum only antibodies to HBsAg are detected. Such result is indicative of:
A. Viral hepatitis type A. B. Past case of viral hepatitis type B.
C. Acute viral hepatitis type C. D. Acute viral hepatitis type B.
E. Chronic viral hepatitis type C.
18. Dentists have high risk of contracting viral hepatitis type B in the course of their duties and therefore are subject to mandatory vaccination. What vaccine is used in such cases?
A. Recombinant vaccine. B. Live vaccine. C. Anatoxin.
D. Inactivated vaccine. E. Chemical vaccine.
In a township there was registered an outbreak of hepatitis, which had supposedly spread through the water supply. What hepatitis virus could be the cause of the outbreak in this township?

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