General microbiology

A. DNA on the matrix of virus mRNA

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A. DNA on the matrix of virus mRNA
B. Virus informational RNA on the matrix of DNA
C. DNA on virus ribosomal RNA D. Viral DNA on DNA matrix
E. mRNA on the matrix of virus protein
9. T-lymphocytes are determined to be affected with HIV. In this case viral enzyme reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA polymerase) catalyzes the synthesis of:
A. DNA based on the viral RNA matrix
B. Viral DNA based on DNA matrix
C. Viral RNA based on DNA matrix
D. Viral protein based on RNA matrix
E. Informational RNA based on viral protein matrix
10. Quite often the cause of secondary immunodeficiency is an infection involvement, when the causative agents propagate directly in the cells of immune system and destroy it. The following diseases are characterized by:
A. Infectious mononucleosis, AIDS
B. Tuberculosis, mycobacteriosis C. Poliomyelitis, type A hepatitis
D. Dysentery, cholera E. Q-febris, epidemic typhus
11. Often the cause of secondary immunodeficiency is an infectious affection of an organism, when agents reproduce directly in the cells of immune system and destroy them. Specify the diseases, during which the described above occurs:
A. Poliomyelitis, viral hepatitis A
B. Q fever, typhus
C. Tuberculosis, mycobacteriosis
D. Infectious mononucleosis, AIDS
E. Dysentery, cholera
12. The immunoblot detected gp120 protein in the blood serum. This protein is typical for the following disease:
A. HIV-infection B. Virus B hepatitis C. Tuberculosis
D. Syphilis E. Poliomyelitis
13. HIV has gp41 and gp120 on its surface interacts with target cells of an organism. Which of the following human lymphocyte antigens is gp120 complementary bound with?
A. CD 4 B. CD 3 C. CD 8 D. CD 19 E. CD 28
14. A 26 year old manual worker complained of 3 weeks history of fevers and fatigue, weight loss with no other symptoms. Physical findings: Temperature 37,6oC, Ps- 88 bpm, blood pressure 115/70mmHg, superficial lymph nodes (occipital, submental, cervical, axillary) are enlarged, neither tender nor painful. Rubella-like rash on the trunk and extremities. Herpes simplex lesions on the lips. Candidosis of oral cavity. What infectious disease would you suspect?

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