General microbiology

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microb krok-1 dent 2

A. Gonococcal stomatitis B. Toxoplasmosis
C. Prenatal syphilis
D. Staphylococcal stomatitis E. Blennorrhea
8. An 18 year old woman consulted a gynecologist about the pain in the lower part of abdomen, fever up to 37,5oC, considerable mucopurulent discharges from the genital tracts, painful urination. Vaginal and speculum examination results: the urethra is infiltrated, cervix of the uterus is hyperemic, erosive. The uterus is painful, ovaries are painful, thickened; fornixes are free. Bacterioscopy test revealed diplococcus. What diagnosis is the most probable?
A. Recent acute ascending gonorrhea B. Trichomoniasis
C. Candydomycosis D. Chronic gonorrhea E. Chlamydiosis
9. On the fifth day after a casual sexual contact a 25-year-old female patient consulted a doctor about purulent discharges from the genital tracts and itch. Vaginal examination showed that vaginal part of uterine cervix was hyperemic and edematic. There was an erosive area around the external orifice of uterus. There were mucopurulent profuse discharges from the cervical canal, uterine body and appendages exhibited no changes. Bacterioscopic examination revealed bean-shaped diplococci that became red after Gram’s staining. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute gonorrheal endocervicitis
B. Trichomonal colpitis C. Candidal vulvovaginitis
D. Bacterial vaginism E. Clamydial endocervicitis
10. A 28-year-old patient has been admitted to the gynecological department three days after a casual coitus. She complains about pain in her lower abdomen and during urination, profuse purulent discharges from the vagina, body temperature rise up to 37,8oC. The patient was diagnosed with acute bilateral adnexitis. Supplemental examination revealed: the 4th degree of purity of the vaginal secretion, leukocytes within the whole visual field, diplococcal bacteria located both intra- and extracellularly. What is the etiology of acute adnexitis in this patient?
A. Gonorrheal B. Colibacterial C. Chlamydial
D. Trichomonadal E. Staphylococcal
11. A patient consulted a venereologist about painful urination, reddening of the external opening of urethra, profuse purulent discharges from the urethra. He considers himself to be ill for 3 days. He also associates the disease with a casual sexual contact that took place for about a week ago. If provisional diagnosis "acute gonorrheal urethritis" will be confirmed, then bacteriological study of urethral discharges will reveal:

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