General microbiology

C. Determine antitoxin titer by means of indirect hemagglutination assay

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C. Determine antitoxin titer by means of indirect hemagglutination assay.
D. Determine diphtheria antibody titer.
E. Determine community members immunity to diphtheria bacillus.
37. What drugs are used for specific treatment of diphtheria?
A. Placental gamma globulin. B. Anatoxin.
C. Native plasma. D. Antitoxic serum. E. Antibiotics.
38. A toxin neutralized with 0.4% formaldehyde under 37-40°C for 4 weeks is used for vaccination. This preparation was first used by Gaston Ramon for diphtheria prevention. Name this preparation:
A. Immunoglobulin B. Anatoxin C. Antitoxic serum
D. Inactivated vaccine E. Adjuvant
39. A 6-year-old girl with diphtheria is administrated an intravenous injection of diphtheria antitoxin. Ten days after the initial administration of drug, she develops a pruritic rash, fever, and arthralgias. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
А. Serum sickness B. Delayed type hypersensitivity
C. Atopy D. Allergic contact dermatitis
E. Anaphylaxis
40. A child was hospitalized with diagnosis of diphtheria. What should be given to this child for specific therapy?
A. Diphtheria antitoxin serum, antibiotics B. Diphtheria bacteriophage
C. Diphtheria vaccines: DPT, DT, diphtheria vaccine D. Codivac vaccine, sulfanilamides
E. Diphtheria anatoxin, antibiotics
41. To determine toxogenicity of diphtheria causative agents obtained from patients, the cultures were inoculated in a Petri dish with nutrient agar, bilaterally to a strip of filter paper spotted with antidiphtheric antitoxic serum and situated in the center of the Petri dish. After incubation of the inoculated cultures in the agar, strip-like areas of medium turbidity formed between some of the cultures and the filter paper. What immunological test was conducted?
A. Agar gel precipitation test B. Opsonization test
C. Agglutination test D. Coombs test E. Ring precipitin test
42. A 5-year-old kindergartener has diphtheria. To find the carriers of the disease among the kindergarten staff, samples of pharyngeal mucus were obtained from the employers. One of the employers had gram-positive bacilli in her sample. They were situated at an angle to each other and colored unevenly, when stained according to Loeffler. What method can confirm that this carrier is dangerous to other people?

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