GB Shaw
best for moments of relaxation. In other moments it was
disastrous. For
prime ministers and their like, it was a veri-
table Capua.
Horseback Hall
But where were our front benchers to nest if not here? The
alternative to Heartbreak House was Horseback Hall, con-
sisting of a prison for horses with an annex for the ladies and
gentlemen who rode them, hunted them, talked about them,
them and sold them, and gave nine-tenths of their
lives to them, dividing the other tenth between charity,
churchgoing (as a substitute for religion), and conservative
electioneering (as a substitute for politics). It is true that the
two establishments got mixed at the edges. Exiles from the
library, the music room, and
the picture gallery would be
found languishing among the stables, miserably discontented;
and hardy horsewomen who slept at the first chord of
Schumann were born, horribly misplaced, into the garden
of Klingsor; but sometimes one came upon horsebreakers
and heartbreakers who could make the best of both worlds.
As a rule, however, the two were apart
and knew little of one
another; so the prime minister folk had to choose between
barbarism and Capua. And of the two atmospheres it is hard
to say which was the more fatal to statesmanship.
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