Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 166 ( 2015 ) 194 – 198
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1877-0428 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under
the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of Tomsk Polytechnic University.
doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.509
International Conference on Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences 2014
Global trends of «Green» economy development as a factor for
improvement of economical and social
Egorova Maria *, Pluzhnic Marina, Glik
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Lenin Avenue 30, Tomsk 634050, Russia
The article covers main reasons of emerging a new type of economy, the “green” economy. The aims and
objectives of
developing green economy were analyzed. The significance of an economy reform carried out on both national and global
levels was evaluated. We analyzed both speed and level of the green economy development in the world and in the most
developed countries of the world. An influence of institutional and investment factors on the process of greening economy
was studied. The authors evaluated an influence of scientific and technical researches on transition of economy to its new
model. An influence of leading countries, economical global leaders, on greening interstate and
global economy was reviewed
and analyzed. Possible perspectives of the global green economy development and consequences of greening process are
given. The article determines factors that influence on the level of economic and social prosperity and welfare of society. The
authors show negative consequences of the existing economic model that influence the society level of living, poverty,
prosperity and welfare. It is proved by Japan experience that contributions into development of "green"
economy sectors and
R&D works promote greening food, influence welfare of society and life expectancy. A conclusion was made that transition
to green economy will favorably influence health level of any nation and increase factors that promote development
of social
and economic prosperity and welfare of society in general.
© 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of
Keywords: «Green» economy; technologies; global trends; energy efficiency; use of natural resources; gross domestic product (GDP);
renewable energy sources (RES);
society welfare; poverty level; employment level.