Once I saw a novel
of my sister lying on
the table which was written by
Shakespeare. Gradually I started taking
intrest in reading the novels of
Shakespeare & found them really
interesting. It
really helped me improve
my vocabulary. The most favourite
amongst them is ‘Romeo & Juliet. It is a
wonderful story about two lovers who
belong to two Nobel families who were
enemies. The story begins with the
constant fights & quarrels of the two
families. But
at a party the young boy
Romeo for the first time catches a
glimpse of the beautiful girl Juliet. They
both fall in love & decide to get married.
They occurs a huge fight in which
Romeo is announced
to leave the city or
he would be hanged till death. Romeo
hiding from everyone spends the night
with Juliet before leaving. Juliet gets
really sad & broken as Romeo leaves.
Her family decides to get married to the
cousin of the prince which she disagrees.
Her parents really gets offended & warms
her that she
would be kicked out of the
house. Gentlemen who was a friend to
Romeo suggested her a medicine that
would make her sleep for few hours. Her
parents thought she was dead &
lays her in
the tomb. Romeo discovers the fact that
Juliet is dead & comes hurriedly to her
tomb & discovers Paris, with
whom Juliet
was supposed to be married. There was a
big fight & Romeo killed Paris Romeo was
so depressed & heartbroken that he poisend
himself & died. Juliet finally woke up after
few hours & saw Romeo lying dead. She
was no broken & depressed
that she stab
herself & died. Thus the story ends with the
death of both the lovers. But it also has
optimistic view point where both the
families become friends & stop fighting.
The Romeo &
Juliet is the most favorite
book of mine. The intensity of the story
makes you in deep love with the Novel.