I'm standing outside the bank, and a man conies up to me and grabs hold of my arm.
We also use the present for actions in films, plays and books.
Macbeth murders the King of Scotland, who is staying at his castle.
We can also use the present simple with a performative verb, e.g. promise. • 16(3)
I promise I won't forget.
I suggest we go.
Yes, I agree.
The present simple is used in headlines for a recent action. In normal style we use the present perfect.
Rail fares go up.
Rail fares have gone up.
For the present simple after here/there, • 49(3b).
6 Verbs of reporting
We can report the written word with a present simple verb. We see the written statement as existing in the present.
It says/ said in the paper that there's going to be a strike.
The notice warns passengers to take care.
The letter explains everything.
We can also do this with reports of spoken words that we have heard recently. • 268(1a)
Shakespeare is England's greatest writer, Mr. Adams says I said.
A practical guide to English grammar 70
7 The future
We can use the present continuous to talk about what someone has arranged to do and the present simple for actions and events which are part of a timetable. • 73
Sadie is coming to stay with us next week.
The ferry gets into Rotterdam at six o'clock tomorrow morning.
We also use the present simple in some sub clauses of future time. • 77
If you need any help tomorrow, let me know.
65 Present perfect and past simple
Debbie: Have you seen the ski shop that's just opened in the High Street?
Nicola: Yes, it opened last week, didn't it? I haven't been in there yet.
Debbie: I went in yesterday. It's really good. I bought some gloves. We're going to Italy next winter, and I can buy clothes there.
Nicola: I haven't skied for ages actually. I've got some skis - I've had them for years. I used to ski a lot when I was younger.
Debbie: Where did you go?
Nicola: We went to Austria a few times.
Debbie: I've been to Scotland twice, but I've never done any skiing abroad. I'm really looking forward to Italy.
1 Form
Present perfect
present of have + past participle
I/you/we/they have opened
He/she/it has opened
I/you/we/they have not opened
He/she/it has not opened
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