went at the Metropolitan Medical
For real stories on how abortion
emotionally and physically impacted
future pregnancies see
Reason #29:
Abortion may affect your future
bortion increases your risk in
pregnancy, your body supports
your growing baby by increasing the blood
flow to your uterus. In a D&C abortion the
abortionist scrapes and cuts the fetus from
you. With only ultrasound to go by, it‘s
easy to make a mistake and go a little too
far — in any direction — into the uterus.
While hemorrhage can be remedied by a
blood transfusion — as long as it is caught
in time — this too caries the risk of
unscreened blood.
Ectopic pregnancy
n ectopic pregnancy is a potentially
life-threatening condition where
the embryo implants in your
fallopian tubes instead of the womb.
Coincidentally, since abortion became legal
there has been a 300% increase in ectopic
pregnancies! In 1970 the rate of ectopic
pregnancies was 4.8 per 1000 births and in
1980 that figure had jumped to 14.5 per
1000 births.
There must be some reason
for this risk to triple in the time that
abortion was legalized. While we may not
know for sure what causes an ectopic
pregnancy, one known cause is blockage of
the fallopian tubes from scar tissue and
infection, both of which can happen
following an abortion.
Miscarriage and Premature
iscarriage and premature birth
can result from what is called an
―incompetent‖ cervix. In an
abortion the unripe cervix muscles are
forced open to allow the procedure. Despite
what clinics say, this process is unnatural
and can permanently stretch the muscles so
that they will not go back as strongly
As you might guess, this
sagging has repercussions for future
pregnancies. A study in the
British Medical
reported that the miscarriage rate
for women who had undergone one
abortion was 17.5% compared to only 7.5%
for non-aborting women.
What about
future premature births? The
Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics
reported a 14% increase in risk for women
who have had one abortion.
Young first-
time mothers are particularly at risk by
abortion as their bodies have not yet been
conditioned by a previous pregnancy which
has been carried to term.
Problems with a wanted
pregnancy and labor
lacenta previa occurs where the
placenta grows in the wrong place
because of damage to the uterus.
Placenta previa can increase the risk for
fetal abnormalities, fetal death and
maternal bleeding, so it‘s not something
you want to have!
A study in the
American Journal of Obstetrics and
of 5,000 women with a history
of one first trimester abortion found that
the occurrence of placenta previa in these
women was 7-15 times the rate of non-
abortive women.
As for other problems
with labor, a study of 752 women with one
or more abortions found that they had an
elevated risk of bleeding during pregnancy,
low birth weight babies, infant death, and
that interventions and abnormal deliveries
were more frequent.
Breast Cancer risk
his is a hotly contested side effect.
Pro-life groups maintain that there
is an increased risk while pro-choice
groups maintain there is no association.
You only have to ask yourself, which side
stands to gain financially from an abortion?
Let me explain the science behind the pro-
life position and you can decide for
The first thing that you should know is
that when you become pregnant your
hormone levels change. Estradiol is the
main estrogen hormone, which increases to
prepare your body for the changes it will
One of estradiol‘s jobs is to
multiply the breast cells, enlarge your
breasts and prepare your milk ducts so you
can feed your baby. The breast cells
multiply, creating the larger chest that
many pregnant women enjoy.
The mutating breast cells
are left in a kind of limbo
How does an abortion affect all of this?
Well, at birth your breast cells were present
but of course not fully developed. At
puberty your body matures for repro-
duction and the breast cells develop also.
But as we mentioned, they are not at the
end of their development yet. It‘s known
that mature or post-pregnancy breast cells
are actually more protected from breast
cancer than pre-pregnancy ones. This is one
of the benefits of pregnancy. For those of
you thinking alright, I‘ll get the protective
effects then have the abortion, you would
have to have an abortion no earlier than 32
weeks gestation.
Yep, that‘s eight weeks
before birth — if she doesn‘t come early.
So, what happens when an abortion
halts a pregnancy prior to 32 weeks? The
mutating breast cells are left in a kind of
limbo state, neither immature cells nor
final milk producing tissue. Pregnancy
bathed them in estrogen hormones and set
them off happily dividing and multiplying.
Then all of a sudden the hormones are
turned off. It is these developing cells that
are vulnerable to cancer. Remember,
estrogen exposure has been linked with
higher breast cancer risk.
We also know
that cancer involves cells going wild and
multiplying rampantly. Put these two
together and abortion increases your risk
for breast cancer.
A miscarriage (at least an early one) is
different from an abortion in that it is
frequently characterized by low estrogen
levels. Because of that fact the breast cells
are not triggered to start developing in the
first place.
Some people are not aware of the breast
cancer risk, but when you understand the
―estrogen effect‖ it makes sense. The
American Cancer Society — which, by the
way, has not yet recognized abortion as a
risk factor — mentions lifestyle factors for
breast cancer. These include: hormone
replacement therapy, oral contraceptive
consuming alcohol and being overweight.
All these listed actually relate to the level of
estrogen circulating through your body and
the number of years it circulates. The first
items are understandably related to the
female function. Hormone replacement
therapy and oral contraceptives raise the
risk by artificially adding hormones.
Breastfeeding slightly lowers the risk —
possibly by reducing the number of
menstrual cycles a woman has and
therefore her exposure to estrogen.
Having children also decreases your risk.
Having children while young has a further
protective effect by fully maturing the
breast cells early.
Having children also
decreases your risk.
Let me explain the estrogen in the
alcohol and weight loss risk. If alcohol is
overdone, the liver becomes overworked
and is not as effective at processing and
eliminating estrogen from your system.
you are significantly overweight, you have
more estrogen circulating through your
system, due to the fact that fatty tissue does
produce a small amount of estrogen (along
with the main organ, the ovaries).
It is interesting that the American
Cancer society not only denies the abortion
breast cancer link — which totally fits in
with their estrogen picture — but also fails
to affirm other genuine risks such as
environmental estrogen. This is despite the
fact that various research and natural
health organizations warn of them.
pollutants mimic the body‘s natural
estrogen and may accumulate in the
So again, too much estrogen (even
if it is synthetic) can cause problems.
In my mind, a large percentage of the
risk for breast cancer is simply that the
body is overloaded with estrogen. Estrogen
plays a good and necessary role in our
bodies but, as we know, an excess of
anything will create a problem. In summary
of this risk, abortion exposes in-transition
vulnerable breast cells to large amounts of
potentially cancer-causing estrogen.
Here are some more ―little known facts‖
about breast cancer, pregnancy and
Rats get breast cancer
In identically raised rats exposed to
carcinogens, 0% of pregnant rats who
carried to term developed breast cancer,
compared with 77% of rats whose
pregnancy was interrupted by surgical
More abortions, more breast cancer – is
there a link?
Compared with white women, black
women have a higher rate of abortion as
well as breast cancer. Might there be any
connection between the two?
Woman who aborted worries about her
I have had 2 lumps removed from my
left breast, hoping I will not get breast
cancer. I am very concerned about the 30
worldwide credible studies linking breast
cancer to induced abortion!
Misplaced charity?
It‘s interesting to note that Race for the
Cure, in Support of Breast Cancer Research,
was reported to have given a $480,000 grant
to Planned Parenthood, amongst its $40
million community grants.
While there
remains controversy over the abortion-
breast cancer link, none remains about the
fact that a full-term pregnancy is protective
against breast cancer. It remains to be
asked, how does Planned Parenthood help
woman prevent breast cancer?
Politically Incorrect
Because feminists consider the right to a
legal and unstigmatized abortion to be
sacrosanct, this issue has now become
thoroughly politicized. While they will
march and rally against breast cancer,
feminists also would like to see suppressed
any evidence that might undermine
abortion‘s acceptability.
—Carolyn F Graglia,
Domestic Tranquility: A
Brief Against Feminism
Clinic chooses not to defend their
In 2005, the All Women‘s Health
Services, an abortion clinic in Oregon,
settled out of court with a former patient
for an undisclosed sum of money. The
woman had claimed she was not informed
of the psychological risks and breast cancer
risks of abortion. The lack of contest to the
woman‘s claim suggests that the abortion
clinic is unwilling or unable to defend their
own position. After all, why would they
buy her out of a more public trial if they
had absolutely nothing to hide? Wouldn‘t
they prefer to see her publicly proven
wrong and at her expense?
Double the risk found by one study
One study found a doubling of breast
cancer risk when women had had a first
trimester abortion, compared with carrying
the pregnancy to term.
Must all research be ‗compelling‘ before
women know the possible risks?
Pro-choicers claim that pro-lifers ―insist
on making the connection anyway‖
without ―compelling evidence,‖
but why
do we require overwhelming evidence
before women can be informed of a
potential risk? Isn‘t that what informed
choice is all about — having all the current,
existing information and making up your
own mind? True, more research is needed
and some studies do show no increased risk.
Yet it‘s also true that some studies do show
an increased risk, a very great risk.
n this section I have detailed many
abortion risks which are known to be
common enough to be studied and
discussed in current literature. There are
other possible complications, such as
allergic reactions or complications with
Certainly, no two people are affected in the
same way, so no one can truthfully predict
what health affects you may or may not
Reason #30
―There are always risks with
elective abortions‖
Reason #31
Abortion is not safer
than childbirth
It doesn‘t add up
Abortion is 10 to 30 times safer than
—The Women‘s Med Center
ou‘ve all heard it and abortion
clinics say it — abortion is safer
than childbirth. Let‘s look at why
this is a flawed argument:
Firstly, the long-term side effects of
abortion may actually increase a woman‘s
risk in future pregnancies (see
Reason #29:
Abortion may affect your future fertility
Since there have been so many abortions in
America, it would not be surprising if the
childbirth risk as a whole has actually
increased due to the large number of
abortions. For example: Women who have
had a previous abortion are at a greater risk
of a potentially life-threatening condition
pregnancies are responsible for 12% of
maternal deaths, yet they are not recorded
as an abortion related risk.
Some pro-
choice authors admit that ―Any patient who
has had a previous history of an abortion
should be regarded as a high risk patient.‖
Well, why is that?
Secondly, comparing the risk of
childbirth to abortion is not a fair
comparison because
sources reveal that the majority of women
receiving abortions are not receiving them
because of health problems
whereas, the
majority of women dying from childbirth
have pre-existing conditions (such as high
blood pressure, diabetes, a heart condition).
Thirdly, abortion related deaths can go
unreported as such when further down the
track a woman develops complications and
goes into the hospital. She may report her
condition but not the abortion, whether
due to shame, or perhaps not ‗connecting
the dots‘ herself. In this case the abortion
death would not be reported.
Fourthly, even in teenagers, abortion is
not safer. In fact, the young woman‘s body
is more supple and she is likely to have the
easiest pregnancy of all. If the baby has a
low birth weight, that is frequently due to
the non-existent prenatal nutrition she
received, not her status as a young woman.
For those women who are very young —
younger than 16, the risk is similar to that
of an older mother, and we know that they
are capable of giving birth safely.
Fifthly, the risks either way may be
―much of a muchness,‖
if you look at
the risks in the year following abortion vs.
carrying to term, the tables turn and
women who abort are much more likely to
die from any number of reasons; suicides,
accidents, health problems, etc.
makes sense when you hear that they are
also more at risk for substance abuse and
Finally, the logic of this just doesn‘t
make sense. Pregnancy is a healthy, natural,
normal bodily function. Ever since people
have lived, women have birthed their
children. Feminists might cringe at the
idea, but the fact is, our bodies are made for
Abortion, while evident in history, is
not natural or normal to our bodies.
Miscarriages are usually nature‘s way of
correcting a problem in the embryo and are
different than chemical abortions. For
example, this is confirmed by a university
study comparing the outcome of second
pregnancies among women who had
previously experienced either an abortion
or a miscarriage. You would think that if
abortion was as natural and harmless as a
miscarriage the results would be the same,
but they are not. While 7.5% of women
with a previous miscarriage lost another
child, 17.5% of those with a previous
abortion lost (another) child. Clearly, our
bodies are not impacted the same way
when pregnancy loss is natural.
It is said
that when pro-choice researchers compare
abortion deaths with childbirth they come
up with lower figures, because they only
compare first trimester abortions. To be
fair, the risk for all trimesters should be
included, otherwise, it‘s like pro-lifers only
comparing abortion to natural births and
leaving out the risky C-sections.
Anyhow, no one aborts or keeps their
baby solely because one option is safer than
the other.
There is much more involved.
Such as right and wrong. Even
was safer for the mother, it‘s still fatal for
her child.
Reason #31
―It doesn‘t make sense to say
that surgery is safer than the
way Mother Nature intented‖
Reason #32
Abortion isn‘t a
quick fix
Clinics tell you it‘s no big
deal, but is it?
I was completely unprepared for the
emotional fallout. I thought the abortion
would erase the pregnancy. I thought I
could move on with my life. I was wrong.
-Michaelene Fredenburg, founder Abortion Changes You
hen you look up a clinic you
will find that they make
abortion seem to be no big deal.
For example, Capital Care Women‘s Center
describes a first trimester abortion like this:
This is a relatively quick two-step
process. The first step to the surgery is
dilating the cervix… The second step is to
remove the contents of the uterus by
suction. The entire process usually takes
less than 5 minutes.
To a woman who may be in shock over
an unplanned pregnancy, this may be just
what she wants to hear. Abortion is
nothing major. It‘s a minor medical
procedure. What‘s the big deal?
Indeed, abortion clinics portray second
trimester abortions in an equally harmless Dostları ilə paylaş: |