Abortion may change your relationships
, with your boyfriend, but also with
yourself and your God.
Have a child now while you can!
At the moment it probably seems like the
worst timing ever! But
What if the timing
is right but you just don‘t know it?
It‘s amazing that for a very small number of
you, this could be the only child you‘ll ever
challenges. I‘m not trying to scare you, but
just get you to think of every possibility.
Some of you may feel that abortion is
legal and there is nothing wrong with it. I
share with you my reasons as to why I
Abortion is unconstitutional
and therefore technically illegal. But,
assuming it is legal still doesn‘t make it
right. After all,
Slavery was legal too
Another dark side of abortion is that
Aborted fetuses are often used in research
. I do believe
Hitler would have loved
. (#70)
. I also make the case that
Abortion is not real medicine
. Not
only is it not real medicine, but many
Abortionists don‘t enjoy their job!
But let‘s not get too caught up in the bad
stuff about abortion. Abortion is becoming
less popular.
Move with the changing
attitudes on abortion!
Save a life
Read the messages from
women who have been there
, done
that — and don‘t despair.
Motherhood is an
awesome experience!
You can
begin bonding with your baby now!
You can still live your dreams
. It‘s
not all over. You can handle this — if that‘s
what you choose. Above all,
It‘s your
In the long run
Being responsible is
more rewarding than copping out
When you find out that
Your unborn baby
is intelligent
, when you find out that
The population explosion is an urban myth
or my theory that
Hormonal changes
cause moodiness around the time most
abortions occur!
you may be glad you
didn‘t abort. And, well, if I‘m too late and
Had one abortion? Don‘t make it
My final challenge to you?
Be prepared
— You might just enjoy being a mom!
Reason #1
―There are more reasons not to
have an abortion than there are
to have one‖
Reason #2
We know when life
It‘s not that tricky
Answering that question with specificity is
above my pay grade
—Barrack Obama, while running for President
We don't know
—Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Speaker of the U.S.
House of Representatives
et‘s start at the very beginning.
When we want to be informed about
abortion, we want to know what
we‘re doing, right? So, we already assume
that a newborn baby is a human and alive.
But when does it all begin?
Some people believe abortion is okay
because, they say, we don‘t really know
when that baby begins. It‘s all relative. It‘s a
mystery. It‘s, well… you can‘t put a finger
on it, if you know what I mean. You know,
we just don‘t know when someone becomes
a person. Who can really judge something
like that? Well, I say, if you just don‘t
know, why take the risk? Why take the risk
if you could be destroying not ‗tissue‘ but a
But, it‘s not really that tricky. The
answer is actually pretty simple. Just
looking at the basic facts of science, we find
that each human being alive today began
his or her physical existence at conception.
That‘s when a new human life starts. And
it‘s not like you can be partly alive, as
though the fetus is just ―sort of‖ living.
You‘re either dead or alive. Of course, the
fetus has to grow and develop, but that is
growth and development not life.
We are
not talking about morality or theories of
personhood. We are not talking about
religious morals or the soul. We‘re just
talking about the facts. We are talking
about what is known.
I challenge you to find me a science
book that says life does not start at
conception! I find it interesting that we all
accept the science about fertilization, but
when abortion comes into the picture all of
sudden we say, wait, maybe this isn‘t life
after all… maybe science does not
understand the complexity of it. You see,
when we want to
that life that
we question science in favor of our own pet
theory about when life begins.
In this section we are going to discover
our human beginnings so that we can better
understand the issues at hand. This is so
needed. Did you know that a 2003 Fox
News poll found that only 55% believed
human life begins at conception! The
remaining 23% said when the baby is
viable, 13% said at birth and 9% said they
were not sure.
Remember, this is what
people think, not necessarily what is true.
Let‘s begin informing ourselves about
the physical beginning of ―you.‖
Quotable Quote
―To say that the beginning of human life
cannot be determined scientifically is
utterly ridiculous.‖
—Dr. Richard Jaynes, testifying before the U.S.
Senate Judiciary Subcommittee Hearing
The beginning of ‗you‘
onception — your first birthday
party was a smashing hit. It was the
event of a lifetime!
―Dear Diary, today is the day. I just
know it.
―You can‘t see it but there are up to five
million sperm up here, swimming, as
though in a race. And they are! As they
head towards the fallopian tube where the
prized egg waits, they instinctively seem to
have directions (or perhaps just don‘t want
to ask!). There are no second prizes today.
Winner takes all. In this obstacle course
only the fittest and strongest will complete
their course, and that is as it should be.
Only the best will father the new life with
the waiting queen egg.
―Arriving at the scene the sperm's first
test is to pass through the egg‘s outer guard,
the nutrient layers surrounding the DNA.
The first to arrive start penetrating the
membrane. A chemical stored in their
heads allows them to leave their ‗head gear‘
behind to go in further (take your hat off
for the lady). Several sperm have made it
through to the egg‘s membrane. But who
will enter the inner court first?
―Zap! The first one entering is the
winner. At that very moment an electric
current flashes across the boundaries,
preventing any other sperm from joining
the new couple. The millions that are no
longer wanted die valiantly, still trying.
Like a space shuttle no longer needing its
take-off gear, the winning sperm leaves his
tail (transport system) and midsection
(energy source) behind. Inside the egg, the
reduced sperm containing the precious
package of DNA swells up. The egg also has
DNA and it swells up too. Like cosmic
lovers dancing, the two bundles of DNA are
drawn slowly towards each other and
towards the center of the cell. As they meet
their membranes and DNA fuse and
become one. It is irreversible. There is now
no longer two but one. I know, it‘s
romantic, isn‘t it?
―The new DNA is a totally new
combination. The clock has started and the
key has been turned.
At that very awesome
moment a new body is beginning from the
pattern within the cells. The formation
process has begun, and first we will see a
zygote, then embryo, fetus, infant, toddler,
child, teen, adolescent, adult, elderly.
―My mom won‘t see me till my birthday
in about nine months. She doesn‘t even
know I‘m here yet. I hope she wants me.‖
Wondering what happens next? Turn to
Reason #9: It‘s not just a bunch of cells!
What‘s so special about a
fertilized egg?
ome people have said, Well, the egg
and sperm are living, aren‘t they?
Aren‘t they individual? And isn‘t each
body cell individual? But we don‘t kick up a
fuss if they die. Of course, you are correct.
They are alive. They are individual cells.
And we shouldn‘t fuss when they die.
But the egg or sperm, or any other body
cell, will never grow into something
different. You won‘t see them becoming
frogs or dogs or sunflowers. And why not?
Simply because they aren‘t those things!
Just a simple cell which has reached its full
development, it will live and die like any
other cell. It bears its owner‘s DNA.
Sperm and egg belong to their owners
and are a part of their owner‘s body. We
are not concerned with the cell death of a
sperm or egg. However, a fertilized egg
(when the egg and sperm have merged
irreversibly) instantly begins to change. It
will grow into something else, precisely
because it is something more than just two
cells sharing the same bed.
If conception occurs, the egg and sperm
transformation much greater than that of a
pretty butterfly. It
a miracle of life. No
longer belonging to either parent, but a
mixture of the two, this new life takes over
its development.
A chain reaction of growth and cell
division occurs from the moment new life
is created. The cells follow their own pre-
programmed instructions until one day,
about 40 weeks later, a bright-eyed, kicking
baby is ready to face the world. That‘s one
pretty cool fertilized egg!
(Don‘t let anyone try to tell you that the
embryo is only as alive as an ordinary body
Did you know?
Your gender was determined at
conception. You get DNA from both
parents. Mom‘s was XX and Dad‘s XY.
The DNA splits up and you get one from
each, forming either XX (girl) or XY
DNA, identity and all that
Clearly, a non-scientific opinion
―I would put 1st trimester embryos in
the same category as sperm and eggs.‖
—pro-choice essay on abortion
ake any cell of your body right now.
It contains your own unique DNA.
It‘s that same property that enables
police to track down a crime based on
someone‘s hair sample or blood.
DNA indicates an individual.
If the DNA of that fertilized egg was the
same as yours, that life could, theoretically,
be a part of yourself. But, if the DNA of the
fertilized egg was different from yours, you
could assume the embryo was not yourself.
Well, you probably know where I‘m going
with this. Indeed, the fertilized egg always
has a different DNA.
And why is that? Remember what
happens at conception? The embryo is
created with half of your genes and half of
your partner‘s. The genes totally mix — just
like when you mix two colors in a can of
paint. You can‘t undo the product, and it‘s
unlike either of the originals. Or, think of it
this way, he came from you and yet he is
not you, just as you came from your parents
but you are not your parents.
A fetus is not part of a woman‘s body,
although the egg came from her. A fetus is
not part of a man's body, although the
sperm came from him. What was once an
egg and sperm is now a brand new cell with
its own blueprint, identity, individuality,
independence and direction. It is basically
what happens when life is created. A new
entity is created seemingly out of nothing
(just two sex cells and a bit of help from
God). Pretty amazing, if you ask me.
As the genes kick into action, this one
very special cell develops rapidly. The
dominos have been knocked over and they
are now in motion.
What is a fetus?
efore nine weeks gestation the word
is used to describe the
developing child. After that, the
is used.
While the word fetus is sometimes used
derogatively to indicate that there is
nothing special about him, the actual
definition tells us that fetus is pretty
special. Technically, the term ―fetus‖
―offspring,‖ ―unborn young,‖ or ―young still
in the womb.‖
The word offspring means
―child,‖ ―immediate descendants of a
person‖ or ―progeny.‖
So, by definition, a
fetus is an unborn child.
Note: Because this book is not written to
be a medical textbook, both
and other
friendly references such as
unborn child
unborn baby
are also used. Since, as we
just learned, each fetus has a predetermined
sex, this book will randomly use
instead of the impersonal and inaccurate
Supreme Court says irrelevant
when human life begins
hen legalizing abortion Chief
Justice Blackmun made the
bizarre comment that ―We
need not resolve the difficult question of
when life begins.‖
Wow! In other words, what he is saying
is, we do not know the answer, but it‘s not
really important for us to know whether or
not a human life will be taken by abortion.
Has he forgotten that the only purpose of
government is to protect human life? (Read
the Declaration of Independence.)
Blackmun went on to say that since
there is disagreement — I‘m not sure with
whom — that the Court is ―not in a
position to speculate as to the answer.‖
He says that disagreement exists and
that ―It would be sufficient to note briefly
the wide divergence of thinking.‖
Blackmun then proceeds to give equal
air time to ideas like life does not begin
until birth, quickening, viability, oh, and
also that conception thing. Blackmun lumps
the ideas into one box he calls the ‗theory
of life,‘ implying that they are all equally
valid when, clearly, this is ridiculous. Not
to mention unscientific.
Blackmun pretends to have a better
perspective. He says that we can‘t override
the rights of women for some theory,
in so doing he is acting on his pet theory
that the unborn child is simply potential
now. In so doing he is taking a non-neutral
perspective and actually choosing a theory
while pretending not to have one! Please
explain, Blackmun, where is the line where
a fetus becomes a child or an adult? And if
the fetus is only potential, why are their
tiny feet in the abortion machine waste?
physicians‖ hold that life begins at
conception, Blackmun says ―substantial
problems‖ are posed because some people
think that it is a process rather than event.
Well, even if that was the case, that‘s
precisely why the unborn child should be
protected from that moment onward!
Another of the justices who supported
the pro-choice ruling made an equally
irrational statement. Having just voted to
legalize abortion Justice Douglas stated,
―When life is present is a question we do
not try to resolve.‖
Since life is a fundamental right for all,
you would think that that would be a
vaguely relevant issue! But no, no such
Douglas continues, ―While basically a
question for medical experts… it is, of
course, caught up in matters of religion and
By bringing ―religion and
morality‖ into the discussion, he tries to
divert attention from the real issue at hand.
He knows that medical experts have
already explained the beginning of life and
that that time is the moment of conception.
Their attitude is, we wash our hands of
this decision; let the abortionists decide
when life is present. The women will be
accountable to it anyhow. We will legalize
abortion, but we don‘t want to be
responsible for it and we‘re not even going
to judge if human life is taken or not. Hey,
it doesn‘t really matter to us — we‘re
already born.
Clearly, these justices are stumbling
through the whole decision, and it seems
that the Court has avoided the ―when life
begins‖ question precisely because they
know the answer.
Reason #2
―Every life starts at conception‖
Reason #3
You have been lied
Telling it like it is — because
abortion clinics do not
A psychologist says…
―I have seen hundreds of patients in my
office who have had abortions and were
just lied to by the abortion counselor.
Namely, 'This is less painful than having
a tooth removed. It is not a baby.'
Afterwards, the woman sees Life
magazine and breaks down and goes
into a major depression.‖
—Vincent Rue, psychologist
ome women have been so lied to that
they scarcely know what they are
having done. Take the pretty 18-year-
old black girl from Florida who went in for
an abortion at 23 weeks. Hardly showing,
Sycloria Williams didn‘t realize how far
along she was. The second day of her
procedure didn‘t go according to plan. She
says, ―I was supposed to be asleep for all of
this. I wasn‘t supposed to see anything. Just
wake up and it will all be over,‖ she had
been told. Instead, she was awake when she
pushed out a baby, who was still alive. A
clinic employee shoved the tiny, twitching,
gasping baby into a biohazard bag and took
it away while the girl was left in shock. ―I
thought it would be a blob thing, but
bigger, not a baby,‖ she later said.
Abortion clinics are good at telling it
like it‘s
Take the old pro-choice book
Lovejoy: A Year in the Life of an Abortion
It describes some of the client‘s
experiences including one woman who
―Is it true that at six weeks it has a
heartbeat?‖ Carye says nobody is sure
exactly when the heart begins beating, and Dostları ilə paylaş: |