Turakulova Nazira Master’s student of Intellectual property and information technology law
Tashkent state university of law,
ABSTRACT The author analyzes the role of blockchain technology in the effective protection of intellectual property rights. In particular, the role of this technology in the protection of intellectual property, copyright and related rights was discussed. The order of operation of the technology, the features of the blockchain as a guarantee of the property rights of the copyright holder are studied. Proposals are being made to improve our national legislation. In addition, the author considers the main aspects of blockchain technology, i.e. decentralization, the ability to quickly and conveniently exchange data between users in a transparent, confidential and reliable form of digital data. Keywords: intellectual property, copyright, cryptocurrency, blockchain, anonymity, decentralized ledger, virtual machines, copyright holder. KIRISH Bugungi kunda blokcheyn texnologiyalari yangi innovatsion texnologiya
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egallagan. Insonlarning intellektual ijodi mahsuli yaratilishining jadallashishi bilan
bir qatorda, ulardan foydalanish, muhofaza hamda himoyasini ta’minlash masalasi
ham dolzarblashmoqda. Qolaversa, internet tarmog‘ining jamiyatimiz hayotida kirib
kelishining takomillashishi oqibatida ma’lumotlar olish, axborot almashish hamda
mulkka bo‘lgan huquqlarning ruxsatsiz foydalanish ham oshib bormoqda. Ushbu