Have they made (make) many cars last year? ular o'tgan yili ko'plab avtomobillarni

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Pedagogy alfavit

Хамма тестга тайёрми?

Қани бошладик бўлмаса.
___have__ they ___made__ (make) many cars last year? _ ular o'tgan yili ko'plab avtomobillarni _ (ishlab chiqaradilar)?

___put__ on your warm coat. It’s cold today. _ sizning issiq paltosingizda. Bugun sovuq.

__Are___ there __some___ chairs in the class? ._____ sinfda _ stul bormi?

__say___ hello to your parents from me when you see them.. _ ota-onangizni ko'rganingizda mendan salom.

_Is there____ any men in the hall? _____ zalda biron bir erkak bormi?

10.000 cars ___will be produced__ (produce) next year.. 10.000 avtomashinalar _ (ishlab chiqarish) keyingi yil.

A _ greedy institution ____ is a group or organization that demands undivided loyalty from its members._ - bu o'z a'zolaridan ajralmas sadoqatni talab qiladigan guruh yoki tashkilot.

A- ___Are__ there three stereos in the living room? B- No, there ___aren’t__ . .A- _ yashash xonasida uchta stereo bormi? B- Yo'q, u erda _.

A- ___How many__ books __are___ there under your desk? B- There ____is_ one..A- _ kitoblar _ u erda sizning stolingiz ostida? B- _ bitta.

A- __is___ there __a___ desk? B- Yes, ___there__ is. .A- _ u erda _ stol? B- Ha, _ shunday.

A British policeman __do not carry___ (carry) guns.. Britaniyalik politsiyachi _ qurol olib yuradi.

A- I’m going to buy George a green shirt. B- I wouldn’t if I were you.A- Why not?B I’m sure he _won’t like____(like) the green color.. A- Men Jorjga yashil ko'ylak sotib olmoqchiman. B- agar men sizning o'rningizda bo'lganimda edi. A- Nima uchun? B- aminmanki u _ (yoqadi) yashil rang.

A newsagent ___sells__ (sell) stamps.. Yangiliklar do'koni _ (sotish) markalari.

A priori knowledge is knowledge that is known independently of ____experience Apriori bilim bu ___ dan mustaqil ravishda ma'lum bo'lgan bilimdir.
 A scoring guide use to evaluate the quality of students is called Rubrics Talabalar sifatini baholash uchun ballar bo'yicha qo'llanma deyiladi

A: ___What time__ can my students come? B: At 3 in the afternoon A: _ mening o'quvchilarim kelishi mumkinmi? B: Kunduzi soat 3 da.

A: __What___ is there in the bedroom? : There __are___ 2 beds, 3 televisions, and 2 cupboards. A: _ yotoqxonada bormi? B: U erda _ 2 ta ko'rpa, 3 ta televizor va 2 ta shkaf.

A: ___Where__ can they __use___ a computer? B: In the office. .A: _ ular kompyuterni _ qila oladimi? B: ofisda.

A: __Can___ you ___play__ the piano? B: Yes, ___I can__ . .A: _ siz _ pianino? B: Ha, _.

A: __How many ___ languages can her aunt _speak____ ? B: 2 languages..A: _ tilasi uning xolasi _ mumkinmi? B: 2 ta til.

A: __How many___ languages can Mrs. Brown speak? B: English & Irish. .A: Braun xonim _ tilda gaplasha oladimi? B: ingliz va irland.

A: __How___ can she __play___ the guitar? B: Very well. A: _ u gitara _ qila oladimi? B: juda yaxshi.

A: __What kind___ of food __can___ our cook cook? B: Italian & French food. .A: _ ovqat _ bizning oshpazimiz? B: Italiya va frantsuz taomlari.

A: __When___ can Alison go skiing? B: On her winter holiday. .A: _ Alison chang'ida uchishi mumkinmi? B: uning qishki ta'tilida.

A: __When___ can you cook Italian food for us? B: On Friday evening. .A: _ biz uchun italyan taomlarini pishirasizmi? B: juma kuni kechqurun.

A: _Are____ there many mice in the house? B: No, there __aren’t.A: _ uyda sichqonlar ko'pmi? B- Yo'q, u erda _.

A: Did you buy __something___ at the shops? B: No,__anything___. I didn’t have any money.” . Javob: Siz do'konlardan _ sotib oldingizmi? B: Yo'q, _. Menda pul yo'q edi ”.

A: Did you meet __anybody___ at the party? B: Yes, I met ___somebody__ who knows you! .A: Siz ziyofatda _ bilan tanishdingizmi? B: Ha, men sizni kim biladigan _ bilan tanishdim!

A: Do you have any __a dictionary___ ? B: No, I don’t. But I have ___some__ grammar books. .A: Sizda _ bormi? B: Yo'q, men yo'q. Ammo menda _ grammatik kitob bor.

A: Do you take sugar in coffee?” B: Just __a little___. Half a spoonful.” . Javob: Siz shakarni kofe ichasizmi? ” B: Faqat _. Yarim qoshiq ”.

A: Have you got ___lots of__ CD’s? B: Yes, hundreds. .A: Sizda _ CD mavjudmi? B: Ha, yuzlab.

A: How much are the driving lessons? B: Fifteen pounds ___per__ hour. .A: Haydovchilik darslari qancha? B: O'n besh funt _ soat.

A: I don’t want to talk to _____. B: And I want to talk to _____ either. . Javob: Men _ bilan gaplashishni istamayman. B: Va men ham _ bilan gaplashmoqchiman.

A: Is this your suitcase?B: No, ___that___ is my suitcase..A: Bu sizning chamadoningizmi? B: Yo'q, __ bu mening chamadonim.

A: Let’s go ___somewhere__ hot for our holidays. B: But we can’t go __anywhere___; that’s too expensive. .A: Bayramlarimiz uchun _ issiq bo'laylik. B: Lekin biz borolmaymiz _; bu juda qimmat.

A: Ouch! There’s ___something__ in my eye! B: Let me look. No, I can’t see _anything____. .A: Eh! Ko'zlarimda _ bor! B: menga qarang. Yo'q, men _ ni ko'ra olmayapman.

All the ____ children __ are following the man.. Hamma __ insonni kuzatib boradi.

All the apple juice ___was drunk__ (drink) by nine o’clock.. Hamma olma sharbati soat to'qqizgacha _ (ichimlik).

Ankara is ___the__ capital of Turkey. Anqara - Turkiyaning _ poytaxti.

As people grow older, the _____ speed _____ of learning declines. . Odamlar o'sib ulg'aygan sari, o'rganishning ______ darajasi pasayadi.

Assessment is purposeful if : it serves as a feedback for the students as well as the teachers. Baholash maqsadga muvofiqdir, agar:

Bill and Jack are going to __their____ house.. Bill va Jek __ uyga borishadi.

Butterflies are ___the___ insects.. Kelebeklar __ hasharotlardir.

Can you see those boys and ___their___ father?. Siz o'sha bolalar va __ otani ko'rishingiz mumkinmi?

Catherine wants to be a politician. Who knows? One day she _might be___Prime Minister!. Ketrin siyosatchi bo'lishni xohlaydi. Kim biladi? Bir kuni u ____ Bosh Vazir!

Cats can wash ___their___ paws and fur.. Mushuklar __ panjalarini va mo'ynalarini yuvishlari mumkin.

 Children are usually egocentric during ___ Sensorimotor _______ and ______ Preoperational ____ stages. . Bolalar odatda ______ va ______ bosqichlarida egosentrikdirlar.
A teacher can enhance learning in her effective elementary classroom by: offering rewards for small steps in learning. O'qituvchi o'zining samarali boshlang'ich sinfida o'rganishni quyidagilar orqali oshirishi mumkin:

Could I __put___ on these shoes, please?Size nine.. Iltimos, ushbu tuflilarga _ qilsam bo'ladimi? To'qqiz o'lchov.

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