Intelligence testing is useful for knowing ____the person's performance on the various subtests that make up the overall intelligence test score. ______. Intellektni sinash ______ ni bilish uchun foydalidir.
Intelligence______ is the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge._____ bu bilimlarni egallash va qo'llash qobiliyatidir.
Is a bee __an____ insect?. Asalarichilik __ hasharotmi?
Is there __ many ___ traffic in your town? . Sizning shaharchangizda _ trafik bormi?
Is there __a___ garden? . _ bog 'bormi?
Is there __an___ apple in the bag? . Sumkada _ olma bormi?
It happened __at___ seven o’clock ___in__ the evening. . Bu kechqurun soat _ soat _ da sodir bo'ldi.
It was a great party. __everybody___ loved it. . Bu ajoyib ziyofat edi. _ yoqdi.
It will be ready __at___ two weeks. . Ikki hafta _ tayyor bo'ladi.
Language acquisition can be automatically attained “ this statement is favoured by _____Cognitivists ____. "Tilni o'zlashtirishga avtomatik ravishda erishish mumkin" bu so'z ma'qul _____ tomonidan
Language acquisition occurs only when _____ the child has exposure to the language . Tilni sotib olish faqat _____ bo'lganda sodir bo'ladi
Learning a language is a _________a long journey________ Tilni o'rganish ______________
Let’s have __an___ ice-cream. . _ muzqaymoq olaylik.
Look at that house. All ___its___ windows are broken. U uyga qarang. Barcha __ derazalar buzilgan.
Look at these books. Are __they____ yours?. Ushbu kitoblarga qarang. __ siznikimi?
Many tourists visit __-____ Turkey. Ko'plab sayyohlar __ Turkiyaga tashrif buyurishadi.
My brother and I are hungry. __We____ are thirsty too.. Mening akam va men ochmiz. __ ham chanqagan.
My father is ___an___ engineer.. Otam __ muhandis.
My friend lives in __a___ same street as me. Mening do'stim _ o'sha ko'chada men bilan yashaydi.
My uncle ___earns__ £500 on the stock exchange.. Mening amakim _ fond birjasida 500 funt.
Nature of children are like - Imaginative. Bolalarning tabiati o'xshashdir
One will have more chances of being successful as a teacher, if __________ Agar o'qituvchi sifatida muvaffaqiyatga erishish uchun ko'proq imkoniyat bo'ladi, agar ______ bo'lsa
Pedagogy is an ‘approach to teaching’ that refers to the theory and practice of education Pedagogika - bu nazariya va amaliyotga ishora qiluvchi "o'qitishga yondoshish"
Pedagogy is a Greek word which literally means - To lead the child Pedagogika yunoncha so'z bo'lib, so'zma-so'z ma'nosini anglatadi
Pedagogy is the study of ________Teaching Methods______? Pedagogika __________ ni o'rganadimi?
Please hand me ___that___ dictionary.. Iltimos, menga __ lug'atni topshiring.
Psychology is a ______ study of the mind and behavior ____________ Psixologiya - bu ______________
Rolls Royce cars __makes___(make) in England.. Angliyada Rolls Royce avtomashinalari _ (ishlab chiqarilgan).
School is a primary institution of _____ socialization Maktab - _ ning boshlang'ich tashkiloti.
Seda and I washed __our____ hands. Seda va men __ qo'lni yuvdik.
Serpil dropped some books, so I picked ___them___ up for her.. Serpil bir nechta kitoblarni tashlab yubordi, shuning uchun men unga __ oldim.
She speaks good Spanish, but only __ a little ___ Russian. U yaxshi ispancha gapiradi, lekin faqat _ rus tilida.
Sign of creative child is his/her is mental stability Ijodkor bolaning belgisi uning o'ziga xos xususiyatidir
Someone __has stolen___ (steal) my bag!. Kimdir mening sumkamni _ (o'g'irlaydi)!
Students learn more from a teacher who a ____________. Talabalar ________ o'qituvchisidan ko'proq narsani o'rganishadi.
Take Janet and Anna to ___their____ rooms.. Janet va Annani ___ xonalarga olib boring.
Teaching-learning process fundamentally completed in ____ Class-room ______. O'qitish-o'rganish jarayoni _______ yilda tubdan yakunlandi
Teachers should present information to the students clearly and in interesting way, and relate this new information to the things students already know O'qituvchilar talabalarga ma'lumotni aniq va qiziqarli tarzda taqdim etishi va ushbu yangi ma'lumotlarni talabalar bilan bog'lashi kerak
Terry is talking to two ___ women ___ .. Terri ikkita __ bilan suhbatlashmoqda.
The best method to study growth and development of the child is __ Development method _______. Bolaning o'sishi va rivojlanishini o'rganishning eng yaxshi usuli - _____
The best place of social development for a 12 years old child is ________ 12 yoshli bola uchun eng yaxshi ijtimoiy rivojlanish joyi ____
The boys are holding up __their____ hands.. O'g'il bolalar __ qo'llarini ko'tarishmoqda.
The clerk is speaking to the women. He is talking to __them____ . Xodim ayollar bilan gaplashmoqda. U __ bilan gaplashmoqda.
The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making is called Cognitive Development Fikrlash jarayonlarini qurish, shu jumladan eslash, muammolarni hal qilish va qaror qabul qilish bilan bog'liq bo'lgan o'rganish sohasi deb nomlanadi
The process of reasoning from one or more given statements to reach a logically certain conclusion is called Deductive reasoning . Bir yoki bir nechta berilgan fikrlardan mantiqiy ravishda aniq xulosaga kelish uchun fikr yuritish jarayoni deyiladi
The girls can go home. They have finished ___their___ work.. Qizlar uylariga borishlari mumkin. Ular __ ishni yakunladilar.
The infliction of physical harm on a person who has broken a rule or committed an offense is _____. corporal punishment. Qoidani buzgan yoki huquqbuzarlik sodir etgan shaxsga jismoniy zarar etkazish
The raw material of thinking is _______ Symbols Tafakkurning xom ashyosi ___
The sea is dirty. There is oil on __it____ .. Dengiz iflos. __ da yog 'bor.
The shop hasn’t got ___ many __ birthday cards. Do'konda _ tug'ilgan kun kartalari mavjud emas.
The shop hasn’t got ___a few__ washing powder. . Do'konda _ kir yuvish kukuni yo'q.
The shopkeeper has got __a lot of___ cheese. . Do'kondor _ pishloq oldi.
The telephone __was invented___(invent) by Bell in 1876. 1876 yilda Bell tomonidan telefon _ (ixtiro).
The television __was not invented___(invent) by Bell. Televizor _ (ixtiro) Bell.
The use of technology to enhance learning process is called _______ICT___ in education. Ta'lim jarayonini kuchaytirish uchun texnologiyadan foydalanish ta'limda ______ deb nomlanadi.
There ___are__ 3 telephones, but _they____ isn’t a cooker. . U erda _ 3 ta telefon bor, lekin _ pishiruvchi emas.
There ___are__ 4 __woman___ on the sofa? Divanda _ 4 _ bormi?
There _isn’t____ one bag. There _are____ 3 bags. . U erda _ bitta sumka. U erda _ 3 sumka.
There are ___a lot of__ apples. _ olma bor.
There are ___some__ sandwiches, but there __are not___ any chips. _ sendvich bor, lekin _ har qanday chip mavjud.
There are many __ magazines ____ on the shelf.. Rafda __ kishi juda ko'p.
There is __a___ photo of __some___ teachers. . _ o'qituvchilarning _ fotosurati mavjud.
There is a lot of ice in ___ the ___ refrigerator.. __ muzlatgichda juda ko'p muz bor.
There is only ___ a little ___ water in the glass. Please give me some more.. Stakanda faqat __ suv bor. Iltimos, menga yana bir oz bering.
There is some milk. I’d like to drink __it____ .. Bir oz sut bor. Men __ ichmoqchiman.
There were not ___ many ___ people at the market yesterday.. Kecha bozorda __ kishi bo'lmagan.
They ___grows__ (grow) rice in China.. Ular Xitoyda guruchni _ (o'stiradilar).
They ___sold__(sell) the picture for £3.000. . Ular rasmni 3.000 funtga _ (sotadilar).
Thieves __stole___(steal) two pictures from the museum last night.. O'g'rilar kecha muzeydan ikkita rasm _ (o'g'irlash).
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