How to Solve a 4x4 Cube- the Rubik's Revenge

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Solu9on: [ D' r2 U' r2 ]
The 5th & 6th center blocks: The last 2 center blocks are solved simultaneously, as by solving 1
color, the other color pieces will automaFcally end up in the opposite center, which is the only
available center lec.
Important! These centers can be solved correctly, and incorrectly. Let's choose the green color to
find out its correct posiFon (out of the 2 available places to be). According to the original color
scheme, when the yellow color is on top, and the red color is on the front face- the green should be
on the right.
Flip the cube so the green-to-be face will be on top.
Solving these last 2 centers is easier than its looks, and it is done by doing r2 & U/B moves only.
1) First get 2 adjacent green pieces on the top layer (most probably it's already there), and align
them to the lec. Here is how to do it:
PosiFon a green center piece on the lec side, using some U moves. Make an r2 move, and see
whether 2 adjacent green pieces formed on the top face. If so make a U/U' move to align them
both on the lec side, and make another r2 to reverse and bring everything back to place.
If acer doing the first r2 move you have no adjacent green colors, reverse the r2 move, and make
some D moves (look at the boMom face to see how many needed), so when you'll make another r2
move again, a green piece will be reposiFoned into the top and will match-up with the green piece
which is already there.
BoWom face looks like: (x rota9on)
In this case, there is no exisFng green pair on top already (Look only at the lec image for notaFons).
Explana9on: first a D/D' move is required so the next r2 move will form an adjacent pair of green
centers on the top. Then an r2 move to match-up 2 green pieces together (elevator comes
upwards), then a U' move to align both green pieces on the lec side ("unloading" from the

1/19/18, 12(51 PM
How to Solve a 4x4 Cube- The Rubik's Revenge
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