How to Solve a 4x4 Cube- the Rubik's Revenge

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Solu9on: [ D r2 D' r2 ]
elevator). Finally an r2 move to reverse all the other pieces back to place (elevator goes back
2) Solving the other 2 green pieces into the top face: There are two opFons here- whether only one
piece is on the boMom, or both pieces are on the boMom.
If one piece is on top: the easier case. Align the green center piece on the boMom to the lec side of
the boMom face (by doing D/D'), in a way that by the next r2 move it will adjacently match with the
second green piece. Make an r2 move and match-up the 2 green center pieces. Then just make a
D/D' move to align both pieces on the right side of the boMom center. Finally make an r2 move to
upload both pieces into the top. All green pieces are solved now, and all blue pieces are on the
boMom (All center pieces are solved!)
If both pieces are on the boMom: there are 2 possible cases- adjacent or diagonal to each other-
Diagonal: [ r2 D/D' r2 ]. ExplanaFon: make an r2 move so one green piece will go upwards into the
top layer. Then make a D/D' move to reposiFon the remaining green piece on the boMom into the
second available spot on the lec side, so it will adjacently match the second piece currently on top
once it will come back down the next move. Now make an r2 move to bring the green piece back
down. The green center pieces are now adjacently to each other- ConFnue according to the
adjacent case instrucFons below.
Adjacent: [ r2 D2 r2 ]. ExplanaFon: align both green pieces into the lec side of the center area at
the boMom (by doing some D/D' moves), then make an r2 move (elevator principle), Do a D2 move
to put both green pieces into the right side (in order to being liced upwards the next move), and
finally reverse the r2 move to bring the green centers into the top face and completely solve the

1/19/18, 12(51 PM
How to Solve a 4x4 Cube- The Rubik's Revenge
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