CHAPTER 3 Word Choice 34 34 plan—planned, planning, planner
begin—beginning, beginner
transmit—transmitting, transmittal, transmitted
BASIC SPELLING RULES—DROPPING FINAL E’S AND Y’S When adding an ending to a word that ends with a silent e, drop the final e if the ending
begins with a vowel, such as advancing and surprising.
If the ending begins with a consonant, keep the final e, as in advancement and likeness.
However, if the silent e is preceded by another vowel, drop the e when adding any end-
ing (argument, argued, truly).
EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULES To avoid confusion and mispronunciation, the final e is kept in words such as mileage and words where the final e is preceded by a soft g or c: changeable, courageous, manageable, management, and noticeable. The word management, for example, would
be pronounced with a hard g sound if not for the e after the g. If the root word ends
with a silent e, and the suffix begins with a vowel, then take off the silent e and add
the suffix.
come + ing = coming
If the root word ends with a consonant followed by the letter y, change the y to i and
add the suffix.
reply + ed = replied