P R E W R I T I N G Prewriting is the critical first step in creating a successful essay. Whether you are handed a
topic, must come up with one on your own, or writing under a time constraint, taking the
time to focus and shape your thoughts will result in a better final product. The six prewrit-
ing strategies explained below may be used both to generate new ideas and to clarify those
you already have. Some strategies are better suited to a longer writing process such as the
college admissions essay, while others may be adapted for when you have just a short period
of time to complete an essay, as with the SAT. Prewriting strategies can also be used effec-
tively when you are faced with a number of possible essay topics and must determine which
is the best vehicle to express your unique thoughts and experiences.
1. FREEWRITING Freewriting is probably the best-known prewriting technique. It works well when you have
some thoughts on a topic, but can’t envision them as an essay. Freewriting also functions
as a developmental tool, nurturing isolated ideas into an essay-worthy one. People who use