How would you describe your hometown?

Who do you live with? I live with my family. My family consists of my parents, my 3 siblings, my grandma and one of our younger uncles. We have a large number of house staffs who work for us and live

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Talking about your town and

 Who do you live with? I live with my family. My family consists of my parents, my 3 siblings, my grandma and one of our younger uncles. We have a large number of house staffs who work for us and live in our house.

  •  Who do you live with? I live with my family. My family consists of my parents, my 3 siblings, my grandma and one of our younger uncles. We have a large number of house staffs who work for us and live in our house.

  • What kind of place is it? This is a large town with a very large number of people living there. The town has two main parts: old town and modern town. The old town reflects the traditional building, old ways of businesses and life and that will give you an impression of the history of this town. On the other hand, the new part, which is in the northern part of the town, has gone through numerous developments in the last few years and it is usually a busy part. People are amiable, educated and they live in peace and harmony, which is the most attractive part of our town, in my opinion. The city has a small area which is occupied by tea gardens and has a small river and many fountains. This is the most beautiful part of our town. Overall, my town is beautiful and it is a good place to live in.

 What kinds of people live there? Well, the population of my town is around 2 million and most of them are educated. That is why a majority of them are either service holders or own their own businesses. The people are quite well behaved and amiable. If someone visits our town will get a good impression about the local people. Many people work in their shops and run restaurant businesses. The women are mostly housewives but some of them are in teaching and banking professions as well. The local history of people who originally migrated here 200 years ago is not that much known to us. However, we learned that our ancestors were mostly farmers and they picked this place because the farming land here was fertile.

  •  What kinds of people live there? Well, the population of my town is around 2 million and most of them are educated. That is why a majority of them are either service holders or own their own businesses. The people are quite well behaved and amiable. If someone visits our town will get a good impression about the local people. Many people work in their shops and run restaurant businesses. The women are mostly housewives but some of them are in teaching and banking professions as well. The local history of people who originally migrated here 200 years ago is not that much known to us. However, we learned that our ancestors were mostly farmers and they picked this place because the farming land here was fertile.

  • What kind of place do you live in (a house or an apartment)? Well, I live in a house. This is basically the house my grandfather used to own. After his death my father inherited it and he improved the construction of the house in many aspects. This is a big house with over 2 acres of area. The main house has a three-storied building and the large garden in front of the house is the most attractive part of our house. I would say we have more people working for the maintenance of this big house than the number of family members we have.

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