How would you describe your hometown?

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Talking about your town and

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Can you tell me some history of your hometown? Well, there are a lot of historical facts and events related to my hometown. First, it was a part of a large river during the 1800 and that area was converted to a farming land during the English colonial age in 1840. The English ruled this town for more than one thousand years and during this time the town went under the ruling of many prominent leaders of the history. Our ancestors were mostly farmers and they fought with the English soldiers and many of them died in this very land. The famous English courthouse was built here and that is a very ancient building created in this era. Our ancestors created a bridge at that ancient time and that’s still considered as one of the best handmade bridges ever built. Out hometown produces the finest quality of crops including rice, spice and many others which have a great demand in many foreign countries. This is a tradition and history which is more than 500 years old.

  • Can you tell me some history of your hometown? Well, there are a lot of historical facts and events related to my hometown. First, it was a part of a large river during the 1800 and that area was converted to a farming land during the English colonial age in 1840. The English ruled this town for more than one thousand years and during this time the town went under the ruling of many prominent leaders of the history. Our ancestors were mostly farmers and they fought with the English soldiers and many of them died in this very land. The famous English courthouse was built here and that is a very ancient building created in this era. Our ancestors created a bridge at that ancient time and that’s still considered as one of the best handmade bridges ever built. Out hometown produces the finest quality of crops including rice, spice and many others which have a great demand in many foreign countries. This is a tradition and history which is more than 500 years old.

  • How long have you been living there? Well, I have been living there for my whole life. I am 28 and I have spent all these years in my hometown.

  • What kind of jobs do the people in your town/village do? Well, most of the people in my town work for the government, national and multinational organisations. About 10% of our total populations run their own businesses. Many people are farmers and while a small portion of people is involved in Information Technology related professions. The students work in many companies and shops as part-time employees. But the variety of jobs people do in my town is overwhelming which includes running their own boutique shops, fishing, driving trucks, selling artworks and many more.

The end
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