Məhkəmədə mübahisə və ədalət/ Adversarial and fairness in court
/ˌvi·zəˈvi, -zɑ-/
in relation to, or in comparison
in relation to:
I need to speak to James Lewis vis-à-vis the arrangements for Thursday.
Later I asked him more directly about government’s role I the environment
in comparison with:
What worries us is the competitive edge that foreign companies have vis-à-vis British firms.
To provide
(can be used both in passive and active voices
To ensure
(not to use in the passive voice)
To donate
Bağışlamaq (pul), ianə vermək
To give money or goods to help a person or organization:
An anonymous businessperson donated one million dollars to the charity.
İmkan, şərait
right set of circumstances
Qarşı-qarşıya gələn
He distanced himself from the confrontational approach adopted by his predecessor
the right to confrontational proceedings
To imply
Anlamına gəlmək
nəzərdə tutmaq
Are you implying (that) I’m fat?
I’m not implying anything about your cooking, but could we eat out tonight?
I detected an implied criticism of the way he was treated.
To involve something or make it necessary:
The report, which is viewed as a bellwether for economic trends, implied that the national economy could be slowing down.
Her statement implies a lack of confidence in the management of the company.
What are you implying?
A connection between the events has been implied in several news reports.
The relationship implied a high degree of trust between the two parties.
Pertaining to the case
İşə aid
Documents pertaining to the case
Insofar as (conjunction)
/ˌɪn.səˈfɑːr əz/
Nə qədər ki, halda
She had done her best to comfort him, insofar as she was able.
On equal terms
bərabər şərtlərlə, başabaş
All companies will compete for the government contract on equal terms.
Adversarial principle
çəkişmə prinsipi
To presume
Fərz etmək, təhmin etmək
probative force of evidence
Sübutun ehtimal gücü
Sübutun stintaq qüvvəsi
Səbəb olmaq
Nəzərdə tutmaq
To necessitate, assume, require, need, demand, imply
To adduce
əlavə etmək
Cite, refer to, mention
to give reasons why you think something is true
A number of factors are adduced to explain the situation
None of the evidence adduced in court was conclusive.
We do not claim that the considerations adduced here demonstrate that the necessity thesis is false, but we do think that they problematize it.
Biz burada irəli sürülən mülahizələrin zərurət tezisinin yalan olduğunu nümayiş etdirdiyini iddia etmirik, lakin biz bunu problemə saldığını düşünürük.
To problematize
Problemə çevirmək, məsələ qaldırmaq
To deduce
Nəticə çıxarmaq
to deduce sth from sth
We cannot deduce very much from these figures.
The police have deduced that he must have left his apartment yesterday evening.
Impugned decision
Mübahisəli qərar
Controversial, disputable, debatable, argumentative, questionable
a submission
Capitulation, agreement, acceptance
Disagreement, discord, hostility, conflict
Meylli, - sarı, istiqamətdə, tərəfə
The photograph showed a man lying prone on the pavement, a puddle of blood around his head.
To be prone to sth/do sth
Meyyli olmaq
I’ve always been prone to headaches.
He was prone to depression even as a teenager.
She’s prone to exaggerate, that’s for sure.
To enquire after
Sorğu-sual etmək
She inquired after his grandfather’s health.
To presume
Fərz etmək
Violation, breaking, nonobservance , neglect, contravention
Ifadə etmək
Express, phrase, render, formulate
lie down.
Personal partiality
To pursue personal interest
Şəxsi maraqlarını güdmək
To impair
Dəyərdən salmaq, zəiflətmək
in the due case
Lazımi halda
To glean
Yığmaq, öyrənmək
These factors can be gleaned from case law
case law
Presedent hüququ
The law as established by the outcome of former cases.
To bear
Olmaq, daşımaq, saxlamaq
Their baby bears a strong resemblance to its grandfather.
The stone plaque bearing his name was smashed to pieces.
On display were boxing gloves that bore Rocky Marciano’s signature.
[ + two objects ] I don’t bear them any ill feeling (= I do not continue to be angry with or dislike them).
Thank you for your advice – I’ll bear it in mind (= I will remember and consider it).
Dözmək, qəbul etmək, dayanmaq
The strain must have been enormous but she bore it well.
Tell me now! I can’t bear the suspense!
It’s your decision – you have to bear the responsibility if things go wrong.
[ + to infinitive ] He couldn’t bear to see the dog in pain.
[ + -ing verb ] I can’t bear being bored.
Legal counsel
Hüquq məsləhətçisi
Economic drawbacks
Iqtisadi çatışmazlıqlar
To comprehend
Grasp, understand, get, digest
I understand why he did that.
This chapter is so difficult to digest. I’ll have to read it again later.
I think I grasped the main points of the lecture.
It was so complicated I couldn’t follow what he was saying.
Get the picture
OK. Don’t say any more. I get the picture.
Comprehend He doesn’t seem to comprehend the scale of the problem.
can be used in UK English when someone understands something that is mysterious.
For years, people have been trying to fathom the mysteries of the whale’s song.
If you understand a joke, the verb get is sometimes used.
I told him a joke, but he didn’t get it.
Statement of defense
Məhkəmə aktı (bəyanatı)
Definition of statement of defense: a defendant’s first pleading on an issue of fact in the English High Court of Justice corresponding to the plea in common law and to the answer in equity or under the codes of civil procedure
To confer with a defense counsel
müdafiə vəkili ilə məsləhətləşmək
to correspond
Yazışmaq, məktublaşmaq
I’ve been corresponding with several experts in the field.
I corresponded with him when he was at school.
His story of what happened that night didn’t correspond with the witness’s version.
We correspond by e-mail.
Uyğun olmaq
closely/directly correspond to/with sth
The dip in their sales in-store directly corresponds to the increase in sales online.
The money I’ve saved corresponds roughly to the amount I need for my plane ticket.
The American FBI corresponds to the British MI5.
To initiate
başlamaq başlanğıcını qoymaq
daxil etmək
include, comprise,interpose, involve
xəbərdar etmək
warn, initiate, notify
To render free legal assistance
Pulsuz hüquqi yardım göstərmək
To mandate
Həvalə etmək
To shirk
If you shirk your responsibilities/duties now, the situation will be much harder to deal with next month.
I will not shirk from my obligations
Town officials shirked their responsibilities by failing to follow up on residents’ complaints.
To enshrine
Qeyd etmək
To note
To notice
To mark
Cəza tədbiri
economic/military reprisals
They promised that individuals could live freely without fear of reprisal from the military.
The attack was in reprisal for the kidnapping of their leaders.
To interrogate
Istintaq etmək, yoxlamaq
To examine
Thousands of dissidents have been interrogated or imprisoned in recent weeks.
To substantiate
In this case, competent authorities should substantiate the evidence of those whose convening was rejected to be not relevant to the case.
Etibarlılıq, etimad
His arrest for lewd ehavior seriously damaged his credibility as a religious leader.
He complained that we had tried to undermine his credibility within the company.
Probability, supposition, assumption
Təhrif olunmuş
To deprive
Məhrum etmək, məğmun etmək
He claimed that he had been deprived of his freedom/rights.
You can’t function properly when you’re deprived of sleep.
Alias, pen-name
To confine
To limit, restrict
To terminate
Hədd qoymaq
Let’s confine our discussion to the matter in question, please!
Please confine your use of the phone to business calls.
By closing the infected farms we’re hoping to confine the disease to the north of the region (= stop it from spreading to other areas).
It was terrible for our research to be confined by lack of money.
They terminated my contract in October.
Qapamaq, qapatmaq
We know that the illness is not confined to any one group in society.
This attitude seems to be confined to the very wealthy.
Candidates with a qualification in chemistry have exemption from this course.
Organizations may qualify for exemption from income tax if they operate exclusively as charities.
Zəmanət, əminlik
She gave me her assurance (that) she would sign the contract immediately.
Despite the government’s repeated assurances to the contrary, taxation has risen over the past decade.
Etibarlı, inandırıcı
able to be believed or trusted
They haven’t produced any credible evidence for convicting him.
The story of what had happened to her was barely (= almost not) credible.
Düşmənçilik, çəkişmə
The interaction between the principles of equality of arms and adversariality is so close that it sometimes becomes difficult to draw a clear line between them.
if the person subjected to criminal proceedings has no right to defend himself, neither adversity nor equality of the parties involved will be possible.
To justify
Haqq qazandırmaq
in order to justify criminal proceedings, the defence function should be implemented in the response to the prosecution function throughout the entire course of the proceedings.
To convene
The prosecution should be able to convene and question any witness if the prosecution cites the testimony of that witness.
In the long run
At some time in the future
You may want to quit school now, but in the long run, you’ll regret it.
Təfsir, aydınlaşdırma, şərh
A pardon
Əfv sərəncamı
A pardon is a government decision to allow a person to be relieved of some or all of the legal consequences resulting from a criminal conviction.
A pardon may be granted before or after conviction for the crime, depending on the laws of the jurisdiction.
A pardon is sometimes offered when innocence is undisputed in order to avoid the costs that are associated with a retrial.
Clemency plays a critical role when capital punishment exists in a jurisdiction.
disagreement, typically when prolonged, public, and heated.
He sometimes caused controversy because of his forceful views
The announcement ended a protracted controversy
Capital punishment
Ölüm cəzası
Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, is the state-sanctioned killing of a person as punishment for a crime.
A death sentence
Ölüm hökmü
The sentence ordering that someone is punished with the death penalty is called a death sentence, and the act of carrying out such a sentence is known as an execution.
To deprive
Məhrum etmək, məğmun etmək
Oust (qovmaq)
Divest (ayrılmaq işindən, pulundan, şirkətdən və s.)
deprive someone of something
To divest
Çıxarmaq, məhrum etmək,
The company has divested itself of some of its money-losing operations.
He had encouraged the state to divest such holdings.
We have made a decision to divest from the hotel and casinos business to focus more on drinks sales.
He wishes to divest himself of some newly inherited assets.
Bəraət hökmü
İttiham hökmü
Prosecution, charge, conviction, accusation, disapproval, judgment
Özünə qarşı ittiham, peşmançılıq
self-conviction, self-accusation, self-judgment
Sübut (sifət)
Threshold /ˈθreʃ.həʊld/
Astana, başlqanğıc nöqtəsi
a low threshold for pain
We are on the threshold of a new era.
Bundan sonra
The last canon hereupon passes into a general exhortation to right living, which forms a sixth part of the whole book.
Hereupon he withdrew from his other positions and from public life.
Human rights and freedoms
İnsan hüquq və azadlıqları
Bir mənalı şəkildə
Bring into line with
bring into line with the country’s Constitution
syn. Harmonize
Üst-üstə düşməyən
Ant. Consistent
Təmin etmək
Syn. Provide
Legal and regulatory mechanisms
hüquqi-tənzimetmə mexanizmləri
The Institute for Advocacy Research
Vəkil araşdırması institutu
On the positive side
Müsbət haldır ki...
dated December 28, 1999
Find its manifestation
təzahür formasını tapmaq
As a representative
nümayəndə qismində
Criminal procedure legislation
cinayət-prosessual qanunvericilik
İbtidai istintaq
pre-trial investigation
To recruit
işə götürmək, səfərbər etmək
The materials of the criminal case
cinayət işinin materialları
To multiply
Çoxalmaq, törəmək
Məhkəmə çəkişmsi
1: having a partly legislative character by possession of the right to make rules and regulations having the force of lawa quasi-legislative agency
2: essentially legislative in character but not within the legislative power or function especially as constitutionally definedquasi-legislative powers
To express an attitude
Münasibət bildirmək
Forensic (adj)
məhkəmə (sif.)
Relating to or denoting the application of scientific methods and techniques to the investigation of crime.