Eg. Forensic evidence
At the level of
Evidentiary activity
sübutetmə fəaliyyəti
Judicial investigation
vəkil araşdırması
Law enforcement
Draw smth up
Hazırlamaq, tərtiv etmək (rəsmi yazı formasında)
Draw up a list of participants
A specification has been drawn up for the new military aircraft.
Lawyer Inquiry
Vəkil sorğusu
To envisage
1. Nəzərdə tutmaq
2. təsəvvür etmək
rain fare increases of 15 percent are envisaged for the next year.
[ + that ] It’s envisaged that building will start at the end of this year.
[ + -ing verb ] When do you envisage finishing the project?
[ + question word ] It’s hard to envisage how it might happen.
2. He wasn’t what I’d expected – I’d envisaged someone much taller.
to imagine something
You can just imagine her storing up these anecdotes for her dinner parties.
Can you picture yourself at the age of 60 doing what you do now?
I can’t conceive why anyone would want to hurt her.
think of
I want you to think of a time when you felt happy.
When I say ‘your car’ you have a picture of that in your head.
in your mind's eye
In my mind’s eye, I’m still a uni student and not a middle-aged worker.
To be due
expected to happen, arrive, etc. at a particular time:
What time is the next bus due?
The next meeting is due to be held in three months’ time.
Their first baby is due in January.
Investigative actions
İstintaq hərəkətləri
To specify
Müəyyən etmək
To streamline
Səmərəliləşdirmək, nizama salmaq
To rationalize
The code of administrative offences
İnzibati Xətalar Məcəlləsi
be proactive in identifying and preventing potential problems
To refute
Təkzib etmək
To provide counter-evidence
Reliability, validity, solidity
To mitigate
To mitigate punishment
To look over sth
to quickly examine smth
I had a few minutes before the meeting to look over what he’d written.
Would you quickly look over these figures for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?
At the discretion of the court
Məhkəmənin qərarı ilə
To assist with
Kömək etmək
To assist with implementation of
Legitimate interests
Qanuni maraqlar
To decease
Ölmək, vəfat etmək
The deceased person
To be exposed
Məruz qalmaq
the competent state body
Səlahiyyətli dövlət orqanı
a preliminary inspection
İlkin yoxlama
To cast doubt
Şübhə yaratmaq
Law on forensic activities
Məhkəmə ekspertizası fəaliyyəti haqqında qanun
To deviate
Çəkinmək, yan keçmək
Syn. To turn aside
You must not deviate from the agreed route.
Hər hansı bir şəkildə
Even if the process is somehow formalized, the person have given the explanation will still have to be summoned to court and testify as a witness.
Sectoral legislation
Sahəvi qanunvericilik
The failure to regulate a single procedural form of the lawyer’s request through sectoral legislation could jeopardize its effectiveness as a procedural tool.
To jeopardize
Təhlükəyə atmaq, xələl gətirmək
To cause harm
should be of a guiding nature only
yalnız istiqamətverici xarakter daşımalı
On a contractual basis
müqavilə əsasında
Attempts should be made to collect materials that can be used as evidence in the procedural sense and to obtain an expert opinion on a contractual basis.
To consult
To consult üith a specialist
To preclude
Qarşısını almaq
The secret nature of his work precluded official recognition
To approach superficially
1. Rəsmiləşdirmə, rəsmi icazə
2. Təmizlənmə
3. mövsüm sonu satışı, endirimli satış
1) The plane will be taking off as soon as it gets clearance.
To visit the prison, you’ll need security clearance.
2) They specialize in house clearances after a resident has died.
3) We bought our new carpet at a clearance sale.
A scene /siːn/
1) hadisə yeri
2) səhnə
1) Evidence was found at the scene of the crime.
2) In the first scene, the camera moves slowly across the room.
A tablet
Kifayət qədər, olduqca
She’s fairly tall.
I’m fairly sure that this is the right address.
We get on fairly well.
I saw her fairly recently. (mən onu olduqca yaxın zamanda görmüşəm)
A full-fledged object of modern criminology
The prosecuting authority
Prokurorluq orqanı
A clause
According to Article 15, Part II, Clause 5 of the Law on LAA
An article
A code
In force
Qüvvədə olan
The basic rights granted to lawyers by the legislation in force.
To dismiss
1) İşdən çıxarmaq, qovmaq
2) buraxmaq, çıxarmaq, rədd etmək
1) To discharge
2) to omit, remove, emit
Just dismiss those thoughts from your mind - they're crazy and not worth thinking about.
İfadə, izahat
A written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation, for use as evidence in court.
Ex., A former employee swore an affidavit relating to his claim for unfair dismissal
The second feature is the frequent use of nominalization, a process of forming nouns from words, groups, phrases, or clauses (Rosa, Sofyan, & Tarigan, 2018, p. 66). Nouns derived from verbs are frequently used instead of verbs, such as 'to give punishment' instead of 'to punish', 'to be in opposition' rather than 'to oppose', or 'to be in agreement' instead of 'to agree'. Although it is better to avoid using nominalization as it results in a long and non-dynamic text (Haigh, 2004, p. 44), it is hard to eliminate nominalization in writing a legal text. Instead of saying 'to arbitrate', lawyers prefer to say 'to go on arbitration' because arbitration is a legally defined procedure and should be considered as such.