I lost my sense of smell four years ago. The doctors told me that it is natural and that it is not a sickness

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case 0270

After my husband had his first and last attack of hay fever, he lost his sense of smell. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer's soon after. His sense of smell has never returned.

case 0271

Periodically, several times a week, I smell food cooking. I always ask people around me if they smell this odor and they always say "no". I told my doctor about this back when this first started at age 57. He found no physical cause of it. He took it lightly.

case 0272

Ever since I can remember I haven't been able to smell. I can't smell bleach or ammonia. I can smell Vicks for two seconds before the smell goes away. I have no problem with taste. Sometimes I think that I smell something when no one else does. Maybe once a month I will smell something but won't be able to identify it because I've never smelled it before. I have a hard times with this because I can't even smell myself and people always ask me to smell something and they don't believe me that I can't smell, because I can cook. They think I can smell!

case 0273

From around the age of 12, I have a few weeks every couple of years when it smells, tastes, and feels like my whole body reeks of petrol. It's a deep smell from within my lungs that seems to be coming out of my body rather than a smell from around me. No one else can smell this; I have asked people about this and they say it's just me. My depression started around the same time as the phantom smell. I haven't had it for a couple of years but now it's back again.

case 0274

I began to notice more sweetness in my perfume collection about two years ago. Some perfumes became too sweet for me to wear. I could not stand the sickly sweet notes of some of what had been my favorite perfumes. Then I found out this year that I have diabetes Type 2 and I think this has affected my sense of smell.

case 0275

I have lost the sense of smell gradually. Now, at 42, I can't smell anything! I do not know what caused this, but I had a serious head injury when I was four years old and I live in Dubai and suspect that my car's air conditioning system may have contributed to my condition. Surgery and medications did not help. I have given up hope. This is affecting my love for food and my sex libido is going down.

case 0276

I have lost my sense of smell. I have suffered from allergies in the past and non-allergic rhinitis. My primary care doctor has told me that if I can taste I can smell. I can taste but I cannot smell anything. I have had every test imaginable but there is nothing wrong with my sinuses or nose. My ear nose throat doctor says they are perfect and I do not need any surgery of any kind. I just want my smell back. I miss it so much. My health is excellent except for this. I had several surgeries over the last years, including a gall bladder removal. I get estrogen injections and wonder if this has caused my loss of smell. I read somewhere that estrogen causes loss of smell.

case 0277

My diminished sense of smell became apparent while shopping for candles. My friends and I would sniff the different candles and I was the only one who couldn't detect any fragrance. The same is true when sampling perfumes in a department store. Since then, I've volunteered to work with the homeless. Again, my friends can detect the strong body odors, but not me (thankfully). The last strong odor I can remember was about five years ago — diesel fuel. I haven't noticed a decline in my sense of taste.

case 0278

About three months ago (around the same time I fractured my nose), I started experiencing phantom urine smells. I notice these smells almost every time after I take a shower. I cleaned the bathroom thoroughly and and asked my nephew, who lives with me, if he can smell anything. He doesn't, so I know it must be me. The smell stays with me as I go to work but then as the day goes on the odor goes away. Then it starts all over again the next day. It doesn't matter what time of day it is that I take a shower. Morning or night I smell urine. Sometimes I smell urine even if I haven't taken a shower. Sometimes I don't smell it after I take a shower but I haven't yet connected the odor with anything specific. Most bizarre thing to go through!

case 0279

Immediately after surgery (lobectomy) and general anesthesia, my sense of taste and smell was altered. At first I was told that this happens often after anesthesia and medication and that it would go away in time. It's been more than three months since the surgery and nothing has changed. Tap water smells disgusting, people smell terrible, foods that I used to enjoy smell awful. I can't be in the kitchen or nearby when certain foods are being cooked or fried.

case 0280

Seven months ago I fell downstairs and hit my head causing a concussion. After a couple of weeks I suddenly realized that I had lost my sense of smell. It has still, sadly, not come back. I do mourn my lack of smell and I do suffer from a sensation and taste at the back of my throat, from time to time — usually after I drink something.

case 0281

Twelve years ago I was diagnosed with asthma and put on a mild steroid inhaler. I began having nose blocks often and gradually lost all sense of smell. Only when my asthma becomes acute and I have to be put on oral steroids does my sense of smell return. As my asthma gets better and I am taken off oral steroids, the nose block returns and I lose my sense of smell again.

case 0282

For the past two months or so I smell smoke all the time. I am unable to smell the regular things like cologne or room fresheners. It seems as if something is burning all the time.

case 0283

I noticed that I lost my sense of smell about a year ago, first subconsciously, then consciously, and then it was confirmed by a test at an ear nose throat doctor. I also suffer from very painful and very frequent migraine attacks during which my nose hurts badly. Medication helped with the migraine but the inability to smell remains except for very short reprieves where I smell something, but normally can't even say what it is. I am worried about eating and I miss the enjoyment. I also can't smell burning toast and don't like what this implies. On the other hand it's a relief not smelling everything.

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