Author's Guide to the Book
IELTS Writing Tasks
For the first
task of the
Academic Module
, you need to describe a graph; a diagram or a map
and you are required to write
at least
150 words in 20 minutes. The second
task requires you to
write an essay with
at least
250 words within 40 minutes.
For the first task of the
General Module
, you need to write a letter and you are required to
at least
150 words in 20 minutes. The second task requires you
to write an essay with
250 words within 40 minutes.
Essay Samples
IELTS Essays provides numerous essay samples in both the academic and the general modules
of the test. There are precisely 30 academic essays and 30 general essays.
There are five essay question types in the IELTS writing test and
the book provides essay
samples on all question types. Candidates should note that even though academic essay
questions need you to discuss more complicated issues than
the general essay questions, there
is no difference in the essay formats. As a result candidates can benefit from all sixty essays
regardless of the module they intend to take.
In addition to practicing the essay formats by analysing the sample essays, you can have access
to a plethora of ideas on various issues along with topical words used to discuss the idea.
After each essay sample, a question is provided to let you practice writing an essay on your
own. Hence in total the book provides 60 different essay questions for the candidates.
Graph, Diagram & Map Samples
Graphs are far more frequent than diagrams; accordingly, the book contains 20 graph
descriptions and 6 diagram descriptions.
Maps are rarely given in IELTS task 1; hence, only two map descriptions are provided in order to
give you the chance to familiarize yourself with such tasks and not to deviate your attention
away from the main task which is the graph.
The graph, diagram and the map samples not only let you get familiarized with various task
types but also provide many of the words needed to pull off each task.
Letter Samples
There are formal letter
questions, semi-formal letter questions and informal letter questions in
IELTS writing task 1 and so the book contains letter samples of all types. The letters are written
according to standard letter formats and include all the various parts of a standard letter.
The letter samples give you
enough ideas, expressions and words to handle sample questions
provided after each letter sample.
To ace your writing test, you need to know numerous expressions and structures for different
purposes. I have included useful connectives, words and structures for 27 different functions.
Learning these useful words and structures can help you with various language functions.